Golf Digest Middle East

Michael Breed

Load more power at the top.


“Get these two things right, and you’ll be ripping your driver.”

FOR A LOT OF GOLFERS, making a bigger windup in the backswing is the answer to adding distance. That’s about body turn, of course, but also loading into your trail side so you can shift toward the target as you unwind. The combinatio­n of pushing forward and rotating through the ball is what maximises speed.

That might sound complicate­d, but the best way to set up those moves is very simple: Get your ball position right. Most golfers play the ball too far forward with the driver and stand too far away from it. Playing it too forward can cause your shoulders to shift open and your spine to tilt toward the target, both of which inhibit a full turn. Standing too far from the ball puts your weight on your toes, which makes it harder to load into your trail heel. So, yes, ball position is that important.

Here’s how to check it. First, when you take your setup, line up the ball with your front armpit. That’ll square your shoulders and let you tilt your spine slightly away from the target. Next, to make sure you’re not reaching for the ball, check that your weight is in the arches of your feet, even toward the heels. From there, you can load into your trail side and rotate back freely. You’ll be ready to unleash some serious power into the ball. —

michael breed is Golf Digest’s Chief Digital Instructor. He operates the Michael Breed Golf Academy at Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point in New York.

 ?? Photograph by Nathaniel Welch ??
Photograph by Nathaniel Welch

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