Gulf News

Spirituali­sm helps combat rape — guru

Woman’s body should never be subjected to atrocities, Bapu says


Gujarat-based spiritual preacher Morari Bapu has a unique way of curbing rape and crimes against women.

Morari Bapu, who is delivering spiritual discourses in Goa, claims that attending satsangs (spiritual discourses) can help bring down rape and other crimes against women because such gatherings help attain wisdom.

Speaking to reporters here on Wednesday night, the spiritual guru, who counts Prime Minister Narendra Modi among his “fans”, also said voters should repeatedly ask their elected parliament­arians why the women’s reservatio­n bill is being stalled and implore them to pass it without delay.

Asked if attending satsangs can bring down instances of rape in the country, Bapu said: “As far as I understand, rapes are not committed by those who attend satsang. And satsang is not a religious function...It is a spiritual [experience].”

He also said a woman’s body should never be subjected to “atrocities, injustice and rape”, adding that people should aspire to change the way they look at women by attending satsangs.

Making a case for women having more rights than men in current times, Bapu also said parliament­arians should not lose time in passing the 33 per cent women’s reservatio­n bill and urged voters to badger their respective MPs.

“Voters should ask those same persons who they elect to parliament, about why it is being stalled...,” he said.

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