Gulf News

Fashion Forward brings out style set L

It is highly unlikely that I would be seen in something that I am not comfortabl­e in.

- Join TV personalit­y Uma Ghosh Deshpande every Friday as she seeks out new horizons and highlights some of the UAE’s most inspiring stories. — Follow Uma on social media on @umagd

Last weekend, one of Dubai’s big fashion events, Fashion Forward took off to a roaring start with more than 1,500 industry profession­als and close to 200 designers from within the UAE itself. The event surely brought out the city’s most fashionabl­e. Dubai has actually set the bar very high when it comes to luxury clothing, styling and personal grooming. It’s hard to live and work in this city without being bitten by the fashion bug. With all the biggest brands from across the world, Dubai is certainly the place to be. Take a seat at a beautiful al fresco bistro at JBR or Downtown and watch the most stylish people walk by.

Although we may not always realise it, we tend to judge others by the way they present themselves with their wardrobes. What one may not realise is that very often the choices of our wardrobe do not directly reflect who we are as a person but, more so, the environmen­t we are in or fashion trends we read about. It is highly unlikely that I would be seen in something that I am not comfortabl­e in. You’d never catch me in layered clothing, loose outfits or boyfriend jeans, even though they are the latest fads. I’d rather stick to what I know I look and feel great in. To me, that inner understand­ing and comfort is key to being stylish.

So step one is to figure out your inner personalit­y — are you classic, dramatic, girlie, bohemian, sporty or trendy? It’s not difficult to know this. Once you do, stay true to that and work on your wardrobe. You must feel good after you dress up, without seeking approval from anyone.

As I grow older, I tend to tilt towards the classic look. I invest in pieces that I can wear for years, and every time I wear them, they look just as fabulous, with a few changes in accessorie­s. And, oh, shoes. Never say no to heels — they can change your entire outfit. More than clothes, it is shoes that are my obsession. And I have indulged, even over indulged shamelessl­y with shoes. Another thing is under garments. What you wear closest to your skin is the basis of a great outfit, so invest in wellfitted pieces.

It is very hard to make a fashion faux pas when you have understood your style. So find what feels good and dress to express yourself. Everything else will fall into place fashionabl­y.

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