Gulf News


World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries (March 20 – April 19) Nobody would blame you for ignoring certain practical or financial matters until the last minute. However, there’s an increasing planetary focus on these. This means that these won’t just require your attention, you’ll need to have gathered and put into precise order exactly those detailed facts that bore you. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Most Taureans are strategic thinkers. You have powerful instincts about when it’s wise to take a stance versus those moments when being subtle is best. Now it’s neither. Simply give in to one particular individual. This may seem worrying. But once you realise they’re better informed than you those concerns will vanish. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Although sudden changes can be annoying, you rather enjoy the challenge of figuring out ways to handle problems and, equally, ensuring others understand the nature of events and what’s expected of them. Now, however, changes will be so sudden even you will need to seek some form of guidance. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Witnessing familiar elements of your life vanish isn’t easy, yet at the same time you’re experienci­ng a sense of relief. That’s because your instincts have long told you these should go, but you didn’t know where to begin. Now events are taking care of that. You need only go with the flow. Leo (July 23 – August 22) Those who say planning ahead is wise are right, but only sometimes. While you’d be well advised to organise domestic or profession­al arrangemen­ts, don’t yet regard them as final. Instead view these as preparing you for the powerful insights that will accompany early May’s New Moon which accents exactly such matters. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) Be wary of your habit of assuming that when you must rethink things suddenly, it’s because you got something wrong. Many Virgos tend to be self-critical and this can mean taking the blame for problems that are by no means your responsibi­lity. This is especially the case this week. Libra (September 23 – October 22) Every once in a while you need to withdraw from everyday life and its obligation­s and do something just for you. This is one of those moments. While you could try to explain to others what you’re doing and why, it’s probably easier if you quietly disappear then return refreshed. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) The decision to keep certain facts to yourself was because you regarded them as nobody’s business but your own. That was true then. Between now and early May, however, abrupt changes make revealing these crucial for you and others. Intriguing­ly you’ll soon realise these weren’t that private after all. Sagittariu­s (November 22 – December 21) You would never dispute the importance of having your facts right. It’s just certain individual­s are somewhat obsessive about numbers and timing when such things really don’t matter. As you well know, this isn’t about what’s right or wrong, but rather what makes each of us unique. Make no excuses to anybody. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) This weekend’s New Moon is about a fresh perspectiv­e and accents the structure of your life. That indicates it’s time to stop discussing what needs to be done and take action. Although your plans aren’t yet fully mapped out, just take that first step. After that the rest will become clear. Aquarius (January 20 – February 17) In early April the Sun’s encounter with your ruler Uranus marked a sort of personal new year. Although you may not have realised it, decisions you made then have allowed you to shed once rewarding but now unproducti­ve pursuits. Better yet, you’re now exploring some that could take their place. Pisces (February 18 – March 19) Judging by the planetary setup for the next few days life is unlikely to be calm. Still, disruptive and occasional­ly unsettling as the resulting discussion­s and situations are, they will be exactly what’s needed to clear the air. Knowing that, instead of smoothing over issues, be ready to tackle them openly.

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