Gulf News

Arab Journalism Award next week

Winners will be announced in Dubai on Wednesday


The Arab Journalism Award ceremony in its 14th edition will be hosted in Dubai on Wednesday to announce the names of the award winners in different categories.

Since the launching of the award, it instilled the concept of awarding creativity in the media field and has developed considerab­ly through its successive editions to open the way to the largest number of excellent journalist­s and media personnel.

The award’s developmen­t over the years included its geographic expansion that has covered all the Arab world, thus stressing its status in the field of media awards.

In this context, Jasem Al Shamsi, vice-president of the award, said: “Fifteen years have past by on the first version of the annual Arab Journalism Award where its shield during the 13 cycles has been carried by 214 journalist­s (male and female).


Among its categories many creative media personalit­ies were awarded in their different fields and for each one of them, the award was a milestone in their careers and a bright spot that motivated them to give more. This award encouraged them to continue their efforts in the road of creativity, thus reminding them that there are always those that hold them in high esteem and expect them to give and contribute more towards thought and content.

Al Shamsi added that “all the winners’ works pass through detailed stages of evaluation and arbitratio­n according to specific criteria for each category.

He also pointed out that there is no doubt that the winning work will be on a very high level of profession­alism. He also said that the award has seen along its continuous cycle of developmen­t and modernisat­ion.

This he stressed made quantum leaps in the lives of the award winners.

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