Gulf News

Former PM warns over Labour-SNP government

- Peter Dominiczak

The British people must come together and unite against the nightmare prospect of a LabourSNP government which will “tear our nation apart”, Sir John Major said yesterday.

The former Conservati­ve prime minister’s warning came as Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP leader, boasted that she would be “sitting across the table from Ed Miliband” today discussing how to put him in office.

Meanwhile, David Cameron, the Prime Minister, described Mr Miliband as a “very dangerous person” who is using a “con trick” to get into Downing Street.

Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Major says a minority Labour government propped up by the Scottish Nationalis­t Party would seek to “divide and rule” and “turn rich against poor, North against South, worker against boss”.


In an appeal on the eve of the election to the “open-minded, generous-spirited and compassion­ate” people of Britain, Major urges voters to have the “confidence” to “oppose all those that appeal to prejudice or bigotry, or seek to tear our nation apart”.

“After the election, either the Conservati­ves or Labour will form — or at least lead — the new government,” Major says.

“We need a government that can reach out to every single part of our country. And Labour cannot do that. I know Labour. I grew up with them. Labour divides to rule. To win votes they will turn rich against poor; North against South; worker against boss.

“They have done this before and are doing it now. But it is emphatical­ly not what this country needs. Now, more than ever, we need to bring people together, not create chasms to drive them apart.”


Mr Major’s warning comes as the Prime Minister yesterday continued a 36-hour nonstop tour of the country seeking to convince undecided voters not to “risk it all” by backing Mr Miliband and the SNP.

With the polls still predicting a dead heat, Mr Miliband and Nick Clegg also ranged across the country in an attempt to reach the fewer than 100,000 voters in a handful of constituen­cies who will decide the outcome of the election.

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