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‘Hot Pursuit’: a ride without comedy

The slapstick in the film is woeful and it has some incredulou­s running gags Review

- Hot Pursuit

The film has all the trappings of a buddy comedy, except that whole comedy part. The pairing of Reese Witherspoo­n and Sofia Vergara, like the recent Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart comedy Get Hard, is predicated on the distance between the two in height and culture. But, where are the jokes?

Witherspoo­n plays an uptight, low-ranking San Antonio police officer named Cooper. In her first major assignment since accidental­ly tasering a teenager (not the best timing for police brutality gags), she’s sent with a partner to protect a drug lord set to testify in court, along with his wife, Daniella (Vergara).

A shoot-out at their house leaves the husband dead and sends Cooper and Daniella on the run. They make an odd couple: an inexperien­ced, straight-as-an-arrow cop and a haughty, trophy wife trailing her luggage.

The film, directed by Anne Fletcher (The Guilt Trip) and penned by Ben and Kate scribes David Feeney and John Quaintance, strains to find reason to keep the two on the lam. A corrupt police department excuse is cooked up and not one but two cell phones are destroyed.

As the two navigate the Texas countrysid­e, they survive by exploiting the sexist underestim­ations of their male pursuers and those that get in their way. This is a promising enough conceit, and one wants to root for Hot Pursuit, the rare studio comedy led by women both in front and behind the camera.

But the slapstick in the film is woeful and Witherspoo­n and Vergara have little to do, but repeatedly trade on the shallow qualities of their characters: Cooper’s uber- properness, Daniella’s prima donna. They distract easy-to-dupe men with excuses of “lady business” or by kissing each other. There are incredulou­s running gags about Vergara’s age and Witherspoo­n’s supposed homeliness.

For Witherspoo­n, in particular, it’s a dramatic comedown from the heights of Oscar season, where she was nominated for the wilderness redemption tale Wild and was a producer on David Fincher’s Gone Girl.


Hot Pursuit feels like a comedy that forgot its comedian. Catch up, instead, with the similarly plotted but far superior The Heat, with Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock. That’s been one of the few recent excellent entries to the buddy comedy, a genre of seemingly simple chemistry that is neverthele­ss painstakin­gly elusive, leaving us to instead return, again and again, to classics such as Midnight Run with Robert De Niro and the great Charles Grodin.

The best you can say for Hot Pursuit is that Witherspoo­n and Vergara, the Modern Family star, do seem like buddies. At least they have that half down.

Hot Pursuit, a Warner Bros. release, is rated PG13 by the Motion Picture Associatio­n of America for “sexual content, violence, language and some drug material.”

Hot Pursuit is currently showing in the UAE.

 ?? Photo by Washington Post ?? Sofia Vergara and Reese Witherspoo­n in Hot Pursuit.
Photo by Washington Post Sofia Vergara and Reese Witherspoo­n in Hot Pursuit.

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