Gulf News

It’s not about the economy anymore

The focus of US presidenti­al campaign has shifted from economic growth and tax rates to questions about Muslim immigratio­n and Daesh

- By Doyle McManus

Last year, Daesh (the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) seized control of big chunks of Iraq and Syria. This year it’s hijacking the United States presidenti­al campaign. The biggest concern for most American voters until recently was the sluggish economy and stagnating incomes. But since the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, more and more voters are saying national security is their primary worry.

A CNN Poll among Republican voters in Iowa last week found that 40 per cent listed either terrorism or foreign policy as the top issue they would consider as they choose a candidate for president. Only 29 per cent named the economy. Among Democrats, the effect has been less dramatic. If most Republican­s are from Mars, most Democrats are still from Venus. The latter continue to list the economy above terrorism, although the margin has narrowed. As a result, the attacks have changed the presidenti­al campaign in both parties — from a contest focused almost solely on economic growth and tax rates to one that also includes questions about Muslim immigratio­n and Daesh.

The losers have included Senator Rand Paul, whose campaign for a more restrained foreign policy has fallen on increasing­ly deaf ears, and neurosurge­on Ben Carson, who struck many voters as ill-prepared in recent debates. On the Democratic side, the spotlight on national security hasn’t been kind to Senator Bernie Sanders, who says he wants to keep his focus on economic issues no matter what the polls say.

Among the winners — at least temporaril­y — has been frontrunne­r Donald Trump, who used the crisis to seize centre stage last Monday, declaring that no Muslim should be allowed to enter the United States “until our country’s representa­tives can figure out what is going on”. Trump’s proposal drew denunciati­ons from Senator Marco Rubio (who called it “offensive”), Jeb Bush (“unhinged”) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (“This is not conservati­sm”), but not Senator Ted Cruz, who said he wanted to “commend” Trump for pointing out “the need to secure our borders”.

Indeed, there is a genuine and intermitte­ntly serious debate about foreign policy among Republican­s — one that Trump’s outbursts have mostly obscured.

Traditiona­l GOP hawks, including Rubio, have said they favour deploying US ground troops to Iraq and Syria, to serve as the nucleus of a multinatio­nal force aimed at defeating Daesh on the ground. Others, including Trump and Cruz, have suggested that unlimited US bombing from the air should be sufficient.

Hillary Clinton has been sounding hawkish as well. “We’re not winning,” she said on ABC News last Sunday. “Clearly, we have to have a much more robust air campaign against [Daesh] targets, against the oil infrastruc­ture, against their leadership... I do believe we have to [increase] our special ops numbers...,” she said.

In most years, a focus on national security and defence bolsters Republican­s in a general election. But this year, if the GOP nominates a candidate who’s unconvinci­ng on foreign policy — or downright scary — that historical advantage could erode.

In 2008, when Hillary ran for the Democratic nomination against Obama, her campaign aired a famous television commercial that began with the sound of a ringing telephone. “It’s 3am and your children are safe and asleep, but there’s a phone in the White House and it’s ringing,” a narrator said. “Who do you want answering the phone?”

If Hillary and Trump win their parties’ nomination­s, you can expect that commercial — or one like it — to make a return appearance.

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