Gulf News

Palestinia­ns are suffering!


Despite increasing misery and killings of innocent Palestinia­ns, it has become the forgotten conflict of modern-day society. According to reports, more than 100 Palestinia­ns have lost their lives in the past three months. Most of them were killed by Israeli soldiers, who are using live ammunition against unarmed protesters. Killing of innocent Palestinia­ns and stabbing attacks have made things go from bad to worse and yet the world and the United Nations (UN) — the so-called human rights champions — are doing nothing to solve this wave of violence. The truth is that without addressing the core issues between these two rivals, Palestine and Israel’s dream of peace can’t come true.

Following the 1993 Oslo Peace Accord with Israel and Palestine, people have witnessed nothing but death, destructio­n and hardship. Despite killing more than 2,000 innocent people and the destructio­n of 80 per cent of Gaza’s infrastruc­ture — no one is brought to justice. The US-backed peace process and John Kerry’s recent Middle East visit have become jokes.

The UN Security Council is divided into pro-Russian and proUS and both are using veto power to provide cover to their allies and their human rights violations. After the miserable role of the UN and the Security Council, Palestine decided to join the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC). However, the truth is that statements and cosmetic attempts alone can’t bring change in the region.

All previous attempts to foster peace by the US and other powers have failed to achieve any result and as mentioned before, things are going from bad to worse.

The long siege of Gaza and cutting of basic facilities has become a big question for the world community and is the need of the hour as thousands of Palestinia­ns are struggling.

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