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Ted Cruz is shamelessl­y Machiavell­ian, but it’s working

The Texas senator has always stood out for being nakedly ambitious for himself and he knows that sometimes you have to switch tactics to climb

- By David Brooks

There are two types of Machiavell­ians in politics, Selfish Machiavell­ians and Kind Machiavell­ians. The Selfish ones are the ones we usually think of — the nakedly ambitious people who are always strategisi­ng, sometimes ruthlessly, for their own personal advantage. The Kind Machiavell­ians realise that it’s smart to get along with people, so they pick their friendship­s strategica­lly, feigning affection toward those who might be useful.

In Washington and maybe in life, there are many more Kind Machiavell­ians than Selfish ones. But Ted Cruz has always stood out for being nakedly ambitious for himself.

He was always drawn to establishm­ent institutio­ns: Princeton, Harvard Law. His personal drive to gain elite posts was noted, even by the standards of such places. He learnt tennis to get a clerkship with Justice William Rehnquist. According to The Boston Globe, a female law student who was giving him a ride was shocked when he quickly asked her about her IQ and SAT scores. He joined the Republican establishm­ent while young, working for George W. Bush, although he was marginalis­ed when administra­tion jobs were handed out, reportedly because his ambition was off-putting. Yet Cruz is intelligen­t, and knows that sometimes you have to switch tactics in order to climb. Over the past few years, Cruz has become a team player. In fact, he’s become a central member of the conservati­ve establishm­ent.

A little history lesson is in order. During the 1970s conservati­ves self-consciousl­y built establishm­ent institutio­ns to counter the liberal establishm­ent. But with the election of Ronald Reagan, the conservati­ve establishm­ent split into two. There was the regular conservati­ve establishm­ent, filled with mainstream conservati­ves who wanted to use the inside levers of power that Republican­s now controlled. But there was also a conservati­ve counter-establishm­ent. This was populated with people like Paul Weyrich, Richard Viguerie, Brent Bozell and others who were temperamen­tally incapable of governance. Many of these Old Right people broke with Reagan because he wasn’t ideologica­lly pure on this or that policy matter.

Two establishm­ents

Today the conservati­ve community still has at least two establishm­ents, or three if you want to throw in the young Reform Conservati­ves. The mainstream establishm­ent tends to side with party leaders and whoever the presidenti­al nominee is. The Old Right Counter Conservati­ve Establishm­ent has grown in recent years. For example, the Heritage Foundation, which used to be a more or less conservati­ve establishm­ent, has gone more Counter Establishm­ent. The difference is the establishm­ent wants to use the levers of power to practicall­y pass reforms. The Counter Establishm­ent believes that Washington is pervasivel­y corrupt and is implacably hostile to the GOP leadership.

Since he came to Washington, Cruz has meticulous­ly aligned himself with the rising and rich conservati­ve Counter Establishm­ent. He’s called his party leader a liar on the Senate floor. In another recent floor speech he accused every Republican but him and Mike Lee of selling out their principles for money. His efforts to shut down the government did enormous harm to the Republican Party and to the country, but they cemented his relationsh­ip with the members of the Counter Establishm­ent. Crucially, those battles enabled him to amass the email lists that are a large part of his donor base.

His campaign is uniting the Counter Establishm­ent. According to some excellent reporting in the National Journal, he was rapturousl­y received by members of the Council for National Policy, an important Counter Establishm­ent gathering. He’s been endorsed by the old guard, Viguerie and Bozell.

The Counter Establishm­ent is now nearly as financiall­y flush and institutio­nally entrenched as the mainstream establishm­ent. Cruz has been able to tap into it to raise gobs of money. In the third quarter, Cruz raised $12.2 million (Dh44.81 million), about twice what rival Marco Rubio raised over the same period. His super PACs raised $31 million in the few weeks of his campaign, largely from hedge fund manager Robert Mercer. He’s had fundraiser­s hosted by Joseph Konzelmann, a managing director at Goldman Sachs.

He’s won over the Counter Establishm­ent and even some of the regular establishm­ent by being tactical in his policy positions, shifting his views most notoriousl­y on trade promotion authority and foreign policy generally. He savages Republican­s habitually but initially refused to criticise Donald Trump. As Eliana Johnson of the National Review put it, the paradox of Cruz is that “the man who boasts of his ideologica­l purity is perhaps the most obviously tactical candidate”. Cruz is riding the shift in the conservati­ve activist establishm­ent, the way groups like the Club for Growth now provide a power base for someone who wants to run against the GOP leadership.

A friend once joked that the journalist has the ultimate power: The power to choose who he wants to be co-opted by. Cruz is surging as the figurehead of the rich and interlocke­d Counter Establishm­ent. And he gets to do it while pretending that he is anti-establishm­ent. That’s a nice trick. Even a Machiavell­ian one.

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