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Johnson receives a chilly welcome from Europe

He has lied a lot, French foreign minister says in rare attack seen in European politics


Britain’s new top diplomat Boris Johnson came under sharp fire from his European counterpar­ts yesterday, with France’s foreign minister declaring that the British leave campaigner had “lied a lot” during the push to break with the European Union.

“I have no worries about Boris Johnson, but you know well what his style is,” French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told France’s Europe 1 radio. “He lied a lot during the campaign.” The reference covers a range of later-discredite­d claims by the anti-EU side before last month’s campaign, including the level of Britain’s payments to the European Union.

The criticism from the usually buttoned-down Ayrault is almost without precedent in the discreet world of European politics, where top leaders typically attack each other’s policies, not characters.

Leadsom’s job

But Johnson’s German counterpar­t, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, also appears to view the diplomat with contempt. Hours before Johnson’s appointmen­t, Steinmeier lashed out at him without using his name, criticisin­g an “irresponsi­ble politician” who lured Britain toward Brexit, then “didn’t take responsibi­lity, and instead played cricket.”

Many government­s, in line with protocol, congratula­ted their new counterpar­t, who will make his diplomatic debut in Brussels next week.

US Secretary of State John Kerry called Johnson, and both “agreed that the US-UK special relationsh­ip is as essential as ever”, said the State Department. The foreign ministers of Canada, Russia, Norway, Latvia and Estonia also said they looked forward to meeting Johnson.

British Prime Minister Theresa May filled out her cabinet posts, assembling a government that sweeps away many of her predecesso­r’s supporters and places strongly antiEU figures in key internatio­nal roles. Andrea Leadsom, a Conservati­ve leadership contender who quit the race, was given the environmen­t department.

T he world of politics, diplomacy and celebrity has reacted with a mixture of amusement and horror to the news that Boris Johnson has been appointed Britain’s new foreign secretary.

Johnson himself said he was “excited” to take up the new role, which will involve travelling the globe, meeting foreign leaders and representi­ng Britain on the internatio­nal stage.

However, his track record when it comes to interactin­g with other cultures is patchy to say the least, and politician­s around the world will no doubt be intrigued by the prospect of working with a man who once wrote a poem about the Turkish president having sex with a goat.

In the US, the official reaction was one of carefully restrained laughter.

When State Department spokesman Mark Toner heard the news, he struggled to keep a straight face — a broad smile breaking out more than once — before saying the US “looked forward” to working with Johnson.

Toner was not alone in his bemusement. American political scientist Ian Bremmer hoped it might all be an elaborate joke.

In Germany, the chancellor, Angela Merkel, declined to comment on May’s surprise decision to appoint Johnson when asked by reporters.

“I believe it is our task to work closely with government­s in allied countries. The world has enough problems for us to progress in our foreign policy cooperatio­n with Great Britain as we have always done,” she said.

‘Enjoy the trip!’

Ralf Stegner, deputy chairman of the Social Democratic Party, the junior partner in Merkel’s coalition, said “May looks weaker after such a choice of personnel”. Johnson had not come across as an exemplary diplomat in the past, Stegner said. “Now he is negotiatin­g Brexit. Enjoy the trip!”

Simone Peter, co-leader of the Green Party, likened Johnson’s appointmen­t to “trusting the cat to keep the cream”. Green Party parliament­ary co-leader Anton Hofreiter said appointing Johnson was “a very bad sign for the leaving process and raises doubts over the competency of the new prime minister”.

The Brussels correspond­ent of German public broadcaste­r ZDF, Anne Gellink, said that Johnson was “properly, properly hated” and seen as “the head of a campaign of lies” in the EU’s headquarte­rs. ZDF’s Berlin correspond­ent, Nicole Diekmann, tweeted: “So, Boris Johnson, foreign minister. British humour.”

Nikolaus Blome, the deputy editor of Germany’s biggest tabloid Bild, tweeted: “There’s justice after all. As foreign minister, Boris Johnson now has to lie in the bed he made himself.”

Sweden’s former prime minister Carl Bildt was among those despairing over the decision, tweeting: “Maybe the Brits are having us on.”

The world’s second largest economy was scratching its head as it woke up to the news that Boris Johnson — or “Bao Li Si” as he is known in Chinese — had been made foreign secretary.

“What’s going on?” one baffled Chinese commentato­r wrote on a popular WeChat group dedicated to life in Britain.

“Foreign secretary Boris is going to hog the global headlines,” the writer predicted, adding: “Does Auntie May think he is a mascot? I can hardly bear to watch it unfold on [state broadcaste­r] CCTV.”

Weibo, China’s answer to Twitter, also erupted in a bout of Borisology, with many observers focusing on the former London mayor’s hair rather than his foreign policy experience.

“Just from looking at Boris Johnson you can tell that British hairdressi­ng is not doing so well,” quipped one. “He’s so funny!” celebrated another.

‘What are they doing?’

Not all observers in China, where Johnson is seen more as a celebrity than a political actor, were so enthusiast­ic. “What are they doing?” one critic of Theresa May’s selection asked on Weibo. “Boris will be in charge of diplomacy???”

In the hours after Johnson’s unveiling, British residents of the Chinese capital were bombarded with sarcastic messages from fellow expats.

One, less diplomatic dispatch sent to a functionar­y of the British embassy said simply: “Your new boss is a plonker.”

The fact that Theresa May is ... appointing, of all people, this undiplomat­ic, unpredicta­ble and disloyal hotshot as foreign minister seems absurd at first glance.” Die Welt German newspaper

 ?? AP ?? Johnson is pursued by media as he leaves his home in north London yesterday. Leaving the European Union ‘does not mean leaving Europe’, the new foreign minister said.
AP Johnson is pursued by media as he leaves his home in north London yesterday. Leaving the European Union ‘does not mean leaving Europe’, the new foreign minister said.
 ?? Twitter ?? When he was the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson was left dangling in a harness over an east London park in 2012 when a zip line malfunctio­ned.
Twitter When he was the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson was left dangling in a harness over an east London park in 2012 when a zip line malfunctio­ned.

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