Gulf News

Being too heavy may cost you your life — literally

Overweight people die one year earlier and moderately obese may lose up to three years of life expectancy


Overweight people die one year earlier than expected and moderately obese people die up to three years prematurel­y, scientists say.

Doctors have long warned that being overweight can lead to health complicati­ons including heart disease, stroke and cancer, and previous studies have already found that extra pounds can take years off your life, based mostly on data from Europe and North America.

In the new study, which the authors say is the largesteve­r such analysis, researcher­s sifted through data for nearly 4 million non-smoking adults in 32 countries published from 1970 to last year. They compared the risk of death to people’s body mass index (BMI), a measure of body fat that is calculated using height and weight.

Overweight people lose a year of life on average and moderately overweight people lose 3 years, said Richard Peto of Oxford University, one of the study authors.

“Severely obese people lose about 10 years of life expectancy,” lead author Emanuele Di Angelanton­io from the University of Cambridge said — which represents a one-in two chance of dying before 70.

The study also found that being obese is far more dangerous for men than for women.

Being overweight shaves about a year off one’s life expectancy, a price which soars to about 10 years for the severely obese, a large-scale study reported yesterday.

It refuted earlier findings that carrying a few extra kilos poses no perils.

Instead, the study pointed to evidence that the risk of dying before your 70th birthday grows “steadily and steeply” along with an expanding waistline.

“This study definitely shows that being overweight or obese is associated with a risk of premature death,” lead author Emanuele Di Angelanton­io from the University of Cambridge told journalist­s.

The risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, respirator­y disease and cancer “are all increased,” he said.

Using data from almost four million adults on four continents, the study in The Lancet medical journal found that overweight people lost about a year of life expectancy on average, and “moderately obese” people about three years.

“Severely obese people lose about 10 years of life expectancy,” Di Angelanton­io said — which represents a one-in-two chance of dying before 70.

A large internatio­nal team of researcher­s sifted through data garnered from more than 10.6 million people in 239 large studies conducted between 1970 and 2015 in 32 countries in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and east and South Asia.

The collating effort was described as the largest-ever pooled data set on being overweight and mortality.

To rule out the impact of other mortality risks, the team excluded current or former smokers, those who had chronic disease at the beginning of the study, and those who died within the first five years — and were left with a sample group of 3.9 million adults.

The team divided these into categories according to their Body Mass Index (BMI), a ratio of weight-to-height squared, and compared the number and causes of death in each group.

Under the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) standard, a BMI of 18.5-24.9 is considered normal, 25-29.9 overweight, 30-34.9 moderately obese, 3539.9 severely obese, and 40 and over morbidly obese.

The researcher­s found that the risk of dying before age 70 rose from 19 per cent in normal weight men to 29.5 per cent in the moderately obese group, and from 11 per cent to 14.6 per cent for women.

10.5% increase

“This correspond­s to an absolute increase of 10.5 per cent for men, and 3.6 per cent for women — three times as big,” a statement from The Lancet said.

They also found that the excess mortality times greater women.

If all overweight and obese people had normal BMI levels, this would eliminate one in five premature deaths in North America, one in six in Australia and New Zealand, one in seven in Europe and one in 20 in east Asia, concluded the study.

And it warned that with corpulence spreading around the globe, the high mortality rate in North America “might become typical elsewhere”.

The findings contradict­ed earlier research suggesting that risk was in men three as in being overweight may not be a mortality risk and may even hold a survival advantage for some groups of people, such as the elderly.

In 2014, according to the WHO, more than 1.9 billion adults globally were overweight. Of those, more than 600 million were obese.

Carrying excess weight has been linked to heart disease, stroke and certain cancers.

The study also founded an elevated risk for premature mortality among people who were underweigh­t.

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