Gulf News

Around the table


Theresa May - Prime minister

Philip Hammond - Chancellor (promoted - was foreign secretary)

Boris Johnson - Foreign secretary (promoted - was backbenche­r)

Amber Rudd - Home secretary (promoted - was energy secretary) Michael Fallon - Defence secretary (no change) David Davis - Brexit secretary (promoted - was backbenche­r) Liam Fox - Internatio­nal trade secretary (promoted - was backbenche­r) Liz Truss - Justice secretary (promoted - was environmen­t secretary)

Justine Greening - Education secretary and minister for women and equalities (promoted - was internatio­nal developmen­t secretary) Gavin Williamson - Chief whip (promoted - was David Cameron’s PPS. The chief whip attends cabinet, but often the chief whip is not technicall­y a cabinet minister)

Patrick McLoughlin - Conservati­ve chairman (promoted/ moved sideways - was transport secretary) Jeremy Hunt - Health secretary (no change) Natalie Evans - Leader of the Lords (promoted - was a Lords whip)


Energy secretary Culture secretary Cabinet Office minister Environmen­t secretary Internatio­nal developmen­t secretary Transport secretary Northern Ireland secretary Work and pensions secretary


George Osborne - Was chancellor Michael Gove - Was justice secretary Nicky Morgan - Was education secretary John Whittingda­le - Was

culture secretary Oliver Letwin - Was Cabinet Office minister Theresa Villiers - Was Northern Ireland secretary Tina Stowell - No longer leader of the Lords Stephen Crabb - Was work and pensions secretary

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