Gulf News

Bush dances at memorial for slain Dallas officers

It was a stark contrast to the solemn faces


Former president George W. Bush was seen smiling and swaying from side to side during the July 12 memorial held for the five Dallas police officers shot dead in the protests against police brutality.

Bush, holding hands with his wife, Laura Bush, and First Lady Michelle Obama, swung his arms widely as he smiled, swayed, and sang along to a choir’s rendition of The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

The cheerful dancing contrasted with the solemn — and sometimes uncomforta­ble — faces of the others on the dais, which included the Obamas, Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, as well as Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings and Dallas police chief David Brown.

Videos of the former president’s awkward dancing have spread across social media platforms, garnering a mixed response of indignatio­n, approval, and amusement.

Many have criticised Bush for acting inappropri­ately, while some feel it added a much-needed touch of light-heartednes­s to an otherwise solemn occasion, and yet others have taken the opportunit­y to post videos of Bush dancing awkwardly in the past.

There were also those who questioned whether the former president had been drunk.

However, the boogying Bush seemed to regain composure after the song. The former president gave a speech in which he paid tribute to each of the fallen officers — Brent Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Lorne Ahrens and Michael Smith — and joined President Obama in calling for unity and hope against despair.

The five police officers were shot dead by a gunman during a July 8 protest against police brutality.

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