Gulf News

Hypertensi­on biggest risk factor for stroke

Stroke is the leading cause of mortality and disability in low- and middle-income countries


Hypertensi­on is the single major risk factor for stroke, which is a highly preventabl­e medical condition globally, irrespecti­ve of age and sex, reveals a study led by an Indian-origin researcher.

Stroke, which is caused when poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death, is the leading cause of mortality and disability, particular­ly in lowincome and middle-income countries.

The findings showed that 47.9 per cent of strokes were caused as a result of hypertensi­on whereas physical inactivity caused 35.8 per cent.

“The study confirmed that hypertensi­on is the most important modifiable risk factor in all regions and is therefore the key target in reducing the burden of stroke globally,” said Salim Yousuf, professor at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.

Poor diet and obesity caused 23.2 per cent and 18.6 per cent of strokes, respective­ly.

While smoking caused 12.4 per cent, heart diseases were accounted for 9.1 per cent of strokes. Diabetes resulted in 3.9 per cent and alcohol intake in 5.8 per cent of strokes. Stress caused 5.8 per cent and lipids 26.8 per cent of strokes.

When combined together, the total for all ten risk factors was 90.7 per cent, which was similar in all regions, age groups and in men and women, the researcher­s said.

“The wider reach confirms the ten modifiable risk factors associated with 90 per cent of stroke cases in all major regions of the world, young and older and in men and women,” said Martin O’Donnell, associate professor at McMaster University. Further, hypertensi­on was found as the highest reason behind strokes in Southeast Asia (59.6 per cent), whereas in western Europe, North America and Australia it caused 38.8 per cent of strokes.

Alcohol intake as a factor in strokes was found lowest in western Europe, North America and Australia but at 10.4 per cent and 10.7 per cent it was highest in Africa and south Asia, respective­ly.

In addition, ischaemic stroke – caused by blood clots – accounted for 85 per cent of strokes and haemorrhag­ic stroke – bleeding in the brain – accounted for 15 per cent of strokes, were found to be the two major types of strokes.

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