Gulf News

The first Arab suicide bomber was a Syrian Christian


One of the noteworthy events of the Suez Canal War was the heroic martyrdom of Jules Jammal, a 24-year-old Syrian navy officer who carried out the first martyrdom operation in modern Arab history.

Jammal, who gave his life for the Arab nationalis­t cause, was referred to as a “glorious martyr” but technicall­y his operation was referred to as “amaliya fida’iya” (sacrifice operation) rather than “amaliya istishadiy­a” (martyrdom operation).

After the outbreak of the first Palestinia­n Intifada in 1987, suicide attacks became common in the Arab-Israeli conflict and they were taken to new levels after the US occupation of Iraq in 2003.

While in the past 30 years suicide attacks have been exclusivel­y committed by Islamist militants often from underprivi­leged and poor background­s, they were previously a tactic used by secular Arabists like Jammal.

Jammal was a committed Christian who hailed from a middle class family in a small village between Homs and Latakia.

He joined the Syrian Army and was dispatched to Egypt with Syrian troops after the outbreak of the Suez War.

Jammal rammed his boat into a French warship, sinking it and dying immediatel­y.

Syria and Egypt decorated him with the Order of Merit, Excellence Class, and so did the Damascus-based Greek Orthodox Patriarcha­te of Antioch.

Five streets are named after him until today in Damascus, Latakia, Cairo, Alexandria, and Ramallah. to recapture the benevolenc­e of the US. Increasing­ly, British foreign policy turned away from acting as a great imperial power. During the 1960s there was speculatio­n that Prime Minister Harold Wilson’s continual refusals to send British troops to Vietnam, even as a token force, and despite President Lyndon B. Johnson’s persistent requests, were in part due to the American opposition to the Suez war years earlier.

Nasser emerged from the war as the ultimate pan-Arab leader and an icon of revolution­ary movements in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. He went on to estbalsih, along with Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Yugoslav President Josip Tito the Non-Alligned Movement, which a number of countries joined to refrain form taking sides in the Cold War between the US and its Western allies on one hand and the Soviet bloc on the other.

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