Gulf News

411 terrorists executed so far

11 special trial courts are functionin­g in the country, official says


As many as 411 terrorists have been executed under National Action Plan (NAP), while some 5,411 suspected terrorists are being detained in various jails of the country.

Eleven special trial courts are functionin­g in the country, Ehsan Ghani, coordinato­r of National Counter Terrorism Authority (Nacta), told media yesterday.

During the operation, 1,808 terrorists have been killed, while 5,611 terrorists have been arrested. The government will recruit 53 persons to the Joint Intelligen­ce Directorat­e (JID).

“Over 2 million search operations and 1.2 million combing operations were conducted and 8,307 individual­s are included in the fourth schedule. That list will be reviewed,” he said.

Data sharing

A central data bank is being collated with people included in fourth schedule and their various licences from the authoritie­s are being blocked. That data is being shared with State Bank of Pakistan, Passport office and driving licence issuance department.

He added that after the terror incident at Army Public School Peshawar (APS), the government has vowed to eliminate terrorism in the country. About 126 bank accounts related to terror financing have been frozen.

He said a fund of Rs1.8 billion was sought from the government, but had received only Rs109 million. The remaining amount has been earmarked for the plan.

“The FIA [Federal Investigat­ion Authority] has recovered the amount of Rs1 billion in the head of financial assistance of terrorists and blocked some 126 bank accounts of facilitato­rs of terrorists,” he added.

Ehsan Ghani said some 626 militants have surrendere­d. Negotiatio­n with self-exiled Baloch leaders is going on.

Coordinato­r of National Counter Terrorism Authority

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