Gulf News

Image of ‘lesser of the two evils’ haunt Clinton candidacy


Hillary Clinton has a problem. Too many voters say they’re supporting her for a reason you’d never want printed on a campaign T-shirt: “I’m voting for the lesser of two evils.” It’s far from inspiring, but that’s why 67-year-old Maria Mengel, who’s from the Philadelph­ia suburb of King of Prussia, said she’s backing Clinton over Republican Donald Trump.

“It’s against Trump,” she said, explaining her vote. “I can’t see a presidency under him. He really scares me.”

National preference polls may give Clinton an edge over Trump and the electoral map may favour her.

Sizeable numbers of Democrats say they’re behind Clinton. But many say they’re more motivated by a desire to keep Trump out of the White House than by her vision for the country’s future or by her bid to become the first woman to serve as president.

Democrats and independen­t voters in the Philadelph­ia suburbs — a crucial area in a competitiv­e state — expressed mixed feelings about Clinton in the days leading up to this week’s Democratic National Convention in their hometown. Linda Groverman, 62, of Blue Bell, said she’d vote for Clinton, but quickly noted the former secretary of state was far from her first choice. “She’s got a lot of experience and I can’t stand Trump,” she said. “He’s a bully.”

Like Trump, Clinton has her faithful followers. And like Trump, negative views of Clinton run deep, even among some supporters.

Half of Clinton’s own backers say they consider her only slightly or not at all honest, and more than one-third say she’s only slightly or not at all likeable, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll conducted this month.

“I’m not excited,” said Matthew Mousley, 36, of Springfiel­d, who neverthele­ss plans to support Clinton. “I guess, it’s just, I feel like there should be better options.”

It’s a worry for Clinton’s top aides, who see maximising Democratic turnout as a main campaign challenge.

They fear supporters may stay home in November, unmotivate­d by Clinton’s candidacy or out of a belief that Trump cannot win.

Clinton’s campaign aims to use the convention to try and rectify both problems. Her team has drafted a schedule featuring four days of speakers who will hammer away at Trump’s “dangerous and divisive” vision for the country. Others plan to talk about the Clinton they know, a woman they describe as brilliant, warm and funny.

They’ll highlight lesser-known parts of her biography, such as her early work as an activist for children and families, her push to expand federal health insurance to millions of children as first lady and her advocacy for 9/11 first responders as a New York senator.

That may not be enough to cut into Clinton’s trust deficit.

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