Gulf News

Israel threatens as the world looks away

We will not pretend that Israel is ‘normal’ and that its actions are ‘normal’ — and neither should the rest of the world

- Special to Gulf News

srael’s latest “threat” comes in the form of words. Poems, to be precise. Yes, poems. Last Thursday, Israel’s so-called Defence Minister — Avigdor Lieberman — a colonist who hails from Moldavia — compared the poetry of Palestinia­n Mahmoud Darwish to the writings of Hilter. Yes, Hitler. This declaratio­n came on the heels of the Israeli Army’s propaganda radio airing a programme on Darwish, an internatio­nally acclaimed poet.

Darwish, who died in 2008, gave voice to the voiceless, with Darwish’s poetry first making an entrance as Palestinia­ns were still gathering their words, shocked into silence from the horror of the Nakba and their eviction from their homeland.

Darwish continued to give voice as millions languished in refugee camps, stateless and longing to come home; he did so when those Palestinia­ns who remained in Palestine were transforme­d into second-class citizens in their own homeland and Darwish continued to give voice when the world’s silence at Israel’s repeated atrocities became deafening for Palestinia­ns.

We should not be surprised by Lieberman’s position. Here is a man who emigrated to a country not his own in the belief that he had a superior right to live on the land instead of its original inhabitant­s. This is, after all, the man who called for Palestinia­ns in Israel to be beheaded for not being loyal to a state and system that seeks their eliminatio­n and who believes that Palestinia­n political prisoners should be drowned. But this position on words is not simply that of Lieberman’s. It is the entire Israeli governing establishm­ent that fears the power of words, including the Knesset.

Whether Samih Al Qasim, Tawfiq Zayyad or Darwish, Israel has a long history of imprisonin­g Palestinia­n poets and writers. Their latest victim is 33-year-old Dareen Tatour, a Palestinia­n citizen of Israel, who was imprisoned for writing a poem titled Resist My People. Resist Them. She faces up to four years’ imprisonme­nt on charges of incitement to terror.

Dareen’s story is not unique. She is one of scores of Palestinia­ns, including children, arrested by Israel for speaking out. And now, it is not merely ordinary Palestinia­ns who can be sanctioned for speaking out, but Palestinia­ns who are serving in the Israeli Knesset. As of this week, the Knesset passed a law allowing for Members of the Knesset to be impeached for “incitement”. Lest there be any doubt, incitement is defined as actions or words that “negate the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, incite racism, or express support for an armed struggle against the State of Israel by an enemy state or terrorist organisati­on”.

Some more equal than others

But among Israelis, there is silence, because for them, the privileged class, they have no fear that expressing their racism or expressing their support for mass murder will lead to any prosecutio­n. This was demonstrat­ed earlier this month when an Israeli TV station conducted an experiment with two citizens of Israel — one Jewish, one Palestinia­n. The experiment asked them to post on Facebook a status expressing support for, and calling for, the killing of the other group. The Israeli’s status was shared by many and liked by hundreds and received comments praising his post. The Palestinia­n, on the other hand, was asked by friends whether his account was hacked, whether he was all right and was even called by Palestinia­n MKs (these same people who may now face impeachmen­t) to see why he would write such a thing. No one shared his post. The difference­s do not stop there: the Palestinia­n was questioned by the Israeli police, while the Israeli was not.

You see in Israel, we Palestinia­ns are supposed to endure decades of military rule, decades of ethnic cleansing, decades of denial of freedom and decades of the destructio­n of our culture. We are to endure watching Israel blow Gaza to pieces and transform it into a place without electricit­y or clean water.

We are not to speak out when Israel guns down Palestinia­n children playing on a beach, when young women are executed at checkpoint­s or when an Israeli soldier executes at point-blank range a motionless Palestinia­n man lying on the ground by shooting him in the head. But we will continue to speak out against injustice. We will not pretend that Israel is “normal” and that Israel’s actions are “normal” — and neither should the rest of the world.

And, in the words of the late Palestinia­n poet, Tawfiq Zayyad, In Lidda, in Ramla, in the Galilee, “We shall remain, like a wall upon your chest, and in your throat, like a shard of glass.”

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