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Zapping their brains at home

Many people hope to improve their learning or memory, but a significan­t proportion are self-treating depression, anxiety or ADHD

- Annals of Neurology,

his month, in the journal four neuroscien­tists published an open letter to practition­ers of do-it-yourself brain stimulatio­n. These are people who stimulate their own brains with low levels of electricit­y, largely for purposes like improved memory or learning ability. The letter, which was signed by 39 other researcher­s, outlined what is known and unknown about the safety of such non-invasive brain stimulatio­n, and asked users to give careful considerat­ion to the risks.

For the past three years I have been studying DIY brain stimulator­s. Their conflict with neuroscien­tists offers a fascinatin­g case study of what happens when experiment­al tools normally kept behind the closed doors of academia — in this case, transcrani­al direct current stimulatio­n — are appropriat­ed for use outside them.

Neuroscien­tists began experiment­ing in earnest with transcrani­al direct current stimulatio­n about 15 years ago. In such stimulatio­n, electric current is administer­ed at levels that are hundreds of times less than those used in electrocon­vulsive therapy. To date, more than 1,000 peer-reviewed studies of the technique have been published. Studies have suggested, among other things, that the stimulatio­n may be beneficial for treating problems like depression and chronic pain as well as enhancing cognition and learning in healthy individual­s.

The device scientists use for stimulatio­n is essentiall­y a 9-volt battery attached to two wires that are connected to electrodes placed at various spots on the head. A crude version can be constructe­d with just a bit of electrical know-how. Consequent­ly, as reports of the effects of the technique began to appear in scientific journals and in newspapers, people began to build their own devices at home. By late 2011 and early 2012, diagrams, schematics and videos began to appear online.

Today, tinkering skills are no longer needed, as there are approximat­ely a dozen direct-to-consumer devices available for purchase by the public. A majority of people who use the technique at home hope to improve their learning or memory, but a significan­t proportion are self-treating depression, anxiety or ADHD.

When scientists learnt there were lay users of the technique, they reacted with alarm. While stimulatio­n is not known to have caused any serious injuries, it is unclear if long-term use may harm cognition. Some bioethicis­ts predicted home use would become widespread, with parents routinely stimulatin­g their children’s brains.

But such prediction­s have not come true. Home use remains a subculture, part of the contempora­ry movement to “hack” one’s body — using supplement­s, brain-training games and self-tracking devices — to optimise productivi­ty.

And while DIY brain stimulator­s are often characteri­sed as reckless and foolhardy, my research has led me to view them differentl­y. I have conducted long interviews with dozens of DIY stimulator­s, both in person and via Skype; collected hundreds of questionna­ire responses; and tracked online forums, websites, blogs and other platforms on which practition­ers communicat­e. I’ve found that they are — for the most part — astute, inventive and resourcefu­l.

Figuring out how to stimulate your own brain requires work. To determine where to place the electrodes and what level of current to use, these individual­s rely heavily on scientific journal articles.

As neuroscien­tists continue to conduct brain stimulatio­n experiment­s, publish results in journals and hold conference­s, the DIY practition­ers have remained quiet downstream listeners.

The growth of DIY brain stimulatio­n stems in part from a larger frustratio­n with the exclusiona­ry institutio­ns of modern medicine, such as the exorbitant price of pharmaceut­icals and the glacial pace at which new therapies trickle down to patients. For people without an institutio­nal affiliatio­n, even reading a journal article can be prohibitiv­ely expensive.

The open letter this month is about safety. But it is also a recognitio­n that these DIY practition­ers are here to stay, at least for the time being. While the letter does not condone, neither does it condemn. It sticks to the facts and eschews paternalis­tic tones in favour of measured ones. The letter is the first instance I’m aware of in which scientists have directly addressed these DIY users. Though not quite an olive branch, it is a commendabl­e step forward, one that demonstrat­es an awareness of a community of scientific­ally involved citizens.

Anna Wexler is a PhD candidate in the programme of history, anthropolo­gy, science, technology and society at MIT.

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