Gulf News

Two former spies and Donald Trump

While former CIA director Gates feels the GOP nominee is ‘beyond repair’, Russian President and former KGB agent Putin is delighted at the possibilit­y of America being led by a man who would be wildly unpopular worldwide


hen it comes to assessing the presidenti­al race, I prefer to listen to the spies. They tend to be brutally unsentimen­tal, see through the nonsense and cut to the cold, hard bottom line. And right now, two of the world’s foremost former spymasters are sending uncoded messages about what it will mean for America and the western alliance if Republican candidate Donald Trump is elected president of the United States.

Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce former CIA director Robert Gates and his longtime nemesis and former KGB agent, President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Putin is voting Trump. Gates is not.

In an essay in the Wall Street Journal, Gates, who was also the defence secretary for former US president George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, criticised both Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Trump for failing to take the threat posed by Putin’s Russia seriously. But Trump, Gates added, has gone places with Putin that no would-be American president should: “Mr Trump’s expression­s of admiration for the man and his regime are naive and irresponsi­ble.”

Yes, Hillary has her own credibilit­y issues on national security, Gates explained, but “Donald Trump is in a league of his own. He has expressed support for building a wall between the US and Mexico; for torturing suspected terrorists and killing their families; for Putin’s leadership and for former Iraq president Saddam Hussain’s nonexisten­t successes against terrorism. He also has said he is for using defence spending by Nato allies as the litmus test on whether the US will keep its treaty commitment­s to them; for withdrawin­g US troops from Europe, South Korea and Japan and for the latter two developing nuclear weapons — a highly destabilis­ing prospect”.

Hillary still has time to address her judgement and credibilit­y issues and earn votes of people like himself, Gates said. As for Trump, he said, “on national security, I believe (he) is beyond repair. He is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamen­tally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualifie­d and unfit to be commander-in-chief”.

I admire Gates for speaking out. Not enough attention has been paid to the national security implicatio­ns of a Trump presidency. I’m certain you’d see US military officers and government officials quitting if Trump ordered them to torture captured terrorists, go house to house to evict illegal immigrants, start trade wars with China and Mexico or ban Muslims. Trump the chaos primary candidate became the chaos presidenti­al nominee, and you can bet he’d be a chaos president.


Being unpredicta­ble as a leader is fine, if you know where you’re going and it is a tool to get you there by keeping foes off balance. But being unpredicta­ble because you have no discipline; because you have not studied the issues so anything can come out of your mouth; and because you don’t realise that when we tell countries like Japan or South Korea or America’s Nato allies that the US might not protect them from Russia or China, they will go get their own nukes and make the world even less stable — well, that kind of unpredicta­bility is how alliances get broken, messes get made and wars get started.

That’s why it is no accident that Putin praised Trump “as a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt”.

It is also no accident that Putin’s cyberagent­s have hacked the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary campaign — to create embarrassi­ng leaks — while ignoring both Trump and the GOP. It’s because Putin knows the same thing that Gates does: A President Trump would keep Washington and the western alliance in turmoil.

Moreover, Trump has told so many baldfaced lies in the last year, I can’t imagine what would happen if he had to take America into a war. Who would trust that he was telling the truth about anything?

Also, because of how Trump has disparaged America’s Nato allies, it is impossible to envision him leading the alliance — particular­ly if America has to blunt further Russian expansion. And how exactly is Trump going to enlist Arab Gulf nations against Daesh or to counterbal­ance Iran, having stated that their Muslim citizens should be banned from entering the US?

Who will want to work with him? Trump is constantly saying extreme things and then taking them back or claiming to be misunderst­ood. Consider the havoc that will wreak with America’s diplomacy.

That’s why the cynical Putin admires Trump. Trump, narcissist that he is, thinks it’s because Putin really admires his leadership qualities.

No, Donald. It’s because Putin knows a mess-maker when he sees one and the thought of America being led by a man who would be wildly unpopular simultaneo­usly in Europe, Beijing, Mexico, South America and the Muslim world is for Putin a dream come true.

So, young Americans, listen up: Hillary doesn’t light your fire? OK, I agree, she is a flawed candidate. But she can responsibl­y manage the affairs of state. Trump is beyond repair and won’t just light your fire — he’ll burn the house down. Ask the old spies. Thomas L. Friedman is a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist and author.

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