Gulf News

Support for Turnbull plunges

Australian PM’s falling popularity sets the scene for potential leadership tensions


Support for Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is at its lowest level since his election last year, according to an opinion poll on Tuesday, fuelling speculatio­n of more political upheaval in a country that has seen four leaders in six years.

The Australian newspaper poll showed Turnbull’s net satisfacti­on rating, which measures the difference between those who are satisfied and those who are dissatisfi­ed, had fallen to 29 points, some 11 points lower than after his July 2 election.

Turnbull enjoys only marginal more support from the electorate than Australia’s previous prime minister, Tony Abbott, whom he toppled in a party room coup year ago due to poor voter support.

When asked about the poll, Turnbull said he was unconcerne­d about the findings.

“The important thing for me, as prime minister, and for my government, is to get on with the job of governing and delivering, and that is what we’re doing,” Turnbull told reporters.

Solicitor-general quits

Turnbull, whose progressiv­e reputation is seen at odds with the powerful conservati­ve wing of his own Liberal Party, has been mired by recent internal divisions. He and Abbott, now a backbenche­r, become embroiled in a public row over Australia’s strict gun laws last week, while a spat between two of the country’s senior legal officers further fuelled tensions.

Australia’s Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson, who is tasked with giving the government legal advice, on Monday resigned after accusing Senator George Brandis, the country’s most senior legal officer, of failing to consult him around changes to terror laws and a proposed national vote for same-sex marriage.

While Turnbull has sought to redirect focus towards delivering his agenda of “jobs and growth”, his legislativ­e agenda faces an uncertain future with the government holding only a slim majority in the parliament.

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