Gulf News

Unlike the EU, Britain can just walk away

Member states’ economic self-interests will override the petulance of Eurocrats who wish to ‘punish’ the UK

- Johan Eliasch

With their vindictive talk of making Britain “pay” for Brexit, and the suggestion that the UK will be forced to pay £50 billion (Dh223.6 billion) to leave, French politician­s (and President Francois Hollande above all) suggest they have not learnt the lesson of the failed Versailles Treaty: a harsh, one-sided settlement, as France insisted on in 1919, eventually rebounds on those who imposed it.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, is the chief advocate of penalising Britain for Brexit; for him, it looks like an existentia­l threat to burst his chauffeur-driven bubble. It is in his interest that the UK is as badly damaged as possible by the outcome of Brexit, pour encourager les autres.

But Juncker’s approach runs contrary to the interests of the member states who pay his salary, which is why he is now fighting a turf-war for control of the negotiatio­ns with the European Council’s president, Donald Tusk.

Tusk’s job is to represent the interests of the member states, which fear that their trade and security relationsh­ips with the UK could be damaged.

For the moment, however, Juncker is protected by Hollande. But Hollande will only be around until the French presidenti­al election in May. He is so unpopular that he is not standing again. And whoever succeeds him — particular­ly if it is Marine Le Pen, leader of the Front National — there will be a change of attitude.

France’s new president will be more interested in defending its balance of trade with Britain — better than with any other country — than Juncker.

Meanwhile, the British Government is making its own task harder. British ministers have begun negotiatin­g in public with each other. This reinforces the perception that the UK lacks direction, which undermines the Government’s negotiatin­g position. Any confusion should be easy to dispel, though, because, fundamenta­lly, this negotiatio­n is about reaching an agreement in three areas: trade in goods, access to financial services, and free movement.

On each, British interests can be easily defined, and UK Prime Minister Theresa May should do so in her Brexit speech later today. As she has already hinted she will say on trade, there is no value taking membership of the customs union — like Turkey — since this would destroy our ability to cut free trade agreements with other states and reduce the income and the leverage we can get from imposing tariffs.

Tariffs more lucrative

For the UK, tariff-free trade would obviously be simpler, but tariffs would be more lucrative; we should let the EU decide if it wants businesses in its member states to pay the UK £6 billion every year net in tariffs that trade on a WTO basis would require. In financial services, the answer is regulatory equivalenc­e — in other words, the EU members and the UK each recognise the other’s legal and regulatory arrangemen­ts as equal to their own. Indeed, the practice is already enshrined in a directive that is due to enter force in early 2018. As for the idea that another EU state might pick off the City, that’s nonsense.

You cannot simply move a financial centre; it is an aggregatio­n of people, legal system, skills, language, which nowhere else could replicate. Even the most contentiou­s issue, free movement, can be addressed, using reciprocal quota arrangemen­ts that relate the right of EU and UK citizens to live in the UK or the EU to the availabili­ty of different types of work.

The idea that “free movement” is sacrosanct is already being undermined by the news that the EU is itself looking into ways to tighten the rules concerning the payment of unemployme­nt benefit to migrants. The British Government should make an offer on this basis directly to the French and German government­s. And it should insist that all this is settled as part of the withdrawal agreement, not a separate deal.

There is no point starting detailed negotiatio­ns with the EU until we have agreed these main points with our principal European partners. If we can do so, then there is also scope for a transition deal. And the UK should make it clear that it is ready to walk away without a deal, if agreement cannot be reached. Angela Merkel told me two months ago that, if we are all sensible, we will reach a sensible solution.

Here is a sensible solution for a productive future relationsh­ip that would at the same time draw a line under the UK’s membership of the EU. Once the French elections have taken place we should know quite quickly if the French are able to proceed on this basis. If France and Germany are not, then we just walk away. The strength of our position is that we can afford to. For us, unlike the EU, no deal is better than a bad one. Common sense prevailing, the EU will hopefully conclude the same before it is too late.

Johan Eliasch was deputy treasurer of the Conservati­ve Party from 2003-07 and a special representa­tive of the prime minister from 2007-10.

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