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EU, British citizens at a crossroads as Brexit nears

Some EU citizens pursue permanent residency in Britain amid uncertaint­y


From health care costs to burdensome bureaucrac­y, some of the millions of EU citizens in the UK and Britons living on the continent aired their Brexit concerns in parliament this week as negotiatio­ns loom.

More than six months after Britain voted to leave the European Union in a shock referendum result, an estimated three million European nationals residing in Britain are none the wiser about their fate.

The same can be said of some 1.2 million British citizens living in the 27 other EU countries, who are anxiously waiting to learn how London’s divorce from Brussels will affect their lives.

“People are worried — the uncertaint­y, the threats of deportatio­n, the sense of being ostracised; people are extremely stressed,” Barbara Drozdowicz, a Pole who heads the East European Resource Centre, told a parliament­ary committee.

Her concerns echoed those of Christophe­r Chantrey, a British citizen who has lived in France since 1973.

“Our main concerns are the loss of EU citizenshi­p and the rights devolving from that: right to remain, health care arrangemen­ts and the future of pensions,” he said.

The status of Europeans living in a post-Brexit UK remain unclear, with Prime Minister Theresa May refusing to guarantee their rights ahead of formal negotiatio­ns with Brussels.

May has said their status will be dependent on that of British citizens in other parts of the EU and has promised to make this a “priority” in the talks.

The uncertaint­y has prompted some EU citizens to apply for permanent residency in Britain, which according to AnneLaure Donskoy, a French academic in the southweste­rn city of Bristol, involves a “nightmare” 85-page document.

She said the document includes questions such as: “Have you ever been a terrorist?”

Xenophobic attacks

Donskoy criticised the complexity of the forms and said the process discourage­s people from applying, while warning of the administra­tive burden Britain will face if all EU citizens living in the UK were to apply for residency under the current system.

“You end up with a figure of 149 years ... taking us to somewhere around 2166” to process all applicatio­ns, she said.

“This is not the country came to live in 30 years ago.” I

Following the June 23 referendum there was an increase in xenophobic attacks reported to the authoritie­s.

Drozdowicz said she had noticed a change in attitudes towards foreigners: “The reception has become colder, more distant.”

Polish ministers flew to Britain last September after attacks on Poles, including one murder, and urged the UK to do more to protect their nationals. The National Police Chiefs’ Council said more than 3,000 incidents were reported to police nationwide between June 16 and 30 last year, a 42 per cent increase from the same period in 2015.

In continenta­l Europe, British citizens fear they could be forced to return to Britain after their home country cuts its EU ties.

“If that happened to me, how would my Italian wife get a right to stay in the UK, and my son? We are talking about splitting families,” said Gareth Horsfall, a British financial adviser who lives in Rome.

Living costs a worry

Those who are determined to stay in their adopted countries, however, did appear less worried about the paperwork involved.

Sue Wilson, who lives in Spain, described a “very simple process” with a two-page form to apply

But the fall in the value of the pound in recent months has worried British retirees in Spain, she said. “Many moved to Spain originally because it was cheaper to live there. Many are struggling,” she said.

Around 70,000 British pensioners live in Spain, compared to just 62 Spanish retirees in Britain, according to comments made in November by Chris Wormald, permanent secretary at the UK’s Department of Health. for permanent residency.

British financial adviser who lives in Rome

 ?? AFP ?? Anti-Brexit demonstrat­ors protesting outside the Supreme court building in London on the first day of a four-day hearing on December 5, 2016.
AFP Anti-Brexit demonstrat­ors protesting outside the Supreme court building in London on the first day of a four-day hearing on December 5, 2016.

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