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Macron: The maverick vowing to ‘turn page’ in French history

Opinion polls say Macron would win two-thirds of the vote if the run-off was held today


Emmanuel Macron is a centrist pro-European whose sensationa­l political career, unorthodox marriage and promises to modernise France have made him a favourite for the presidency.

If he wins, the 39-year-old former banker would be the youngest French leader in modern history, upending tradition that has usually seen voters favour experience in their powerful presidents.

Running in his first ever election, Macron was projected to win about 24 per cent in the first round of the presidenti­al poll on Sunday, guaranteei­ng him a place in the second round on May 7 against far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen.

“We’re turning a page in French political history,” a jubilant Macron told AFP after the estimates were released.

Latest opinion polls out on Sunday found that Macron would win about two-thirds of the vote if the run-off was held today. His projected first round victory is a vindicatio­n of his decision to quit the government of unpopular Socialist President Francois Hollande in August to concentrat­e on building up his own centrist political movement “En Marche” (“On the Move”).

“We can’t respond with the same men and the same ideas,” Macron said as he launched his presidenti­al bid in November at a jobs training centre in a gritty Parisian suburb.

Since then, he has rarely been out of the headlines, building up his movement to more than 250,000 members and confoundin­g critics who said he would only appeal to a narrow band of young, urban profession­als.

Voice of hope

“In your name, I will be ... the voice of hope for our country and for Europe,” he told cheering supporters on Sunday.

“I want to be the president of the patriots against the threat of nationalis­ts.”

With frustratio­n at France’s political class running high, Macron has tapped into a desire for wholesale change that also propelled far-right candidate Le Pen into the second round.

“I’m here because he’s young, he’s dynamic. It’s like a breath of fresh air,” 23-yearold shop worker Marine Gonidou told AFP at a rally in Brittany in January.

Although positioned as an outsider, the brilliant student followed a well-worn path through elite French universiti­es including ENA, which has groomed many French leaders.

After going into investment banking, where he earned several million euros at Rothschild, Macron became an economic adviser to Hollande in 2012 and then economy minister two years later.

Despite the efforts of his opponents, “he seems to have escaped his associatio­n with the government,” said Dominique Reynie, head of the Foundation for Political Innovation think tank in Paris.

Throughout the campaign he insisted that France was “contrarian” — ready to elect a proEU, pro-globalisat­ion liberal at a time when right wing nationalis­ts are making gains across the world.

As well as wanting to improve the business environmen­t, Macron stresses the need to boost education in deprived areas and has spoken out against stigmatisi­ng Muslims with France’s strict rules on secularism.

 ??  ?? A victorious Emmanuel Macron responds to his enthusiast­ic supporters in Paris on Sunday after the first round of the presidenti­al election.
A victorious Emmanuel Macron responds to his enthusiast­ic supporters in Paris on Sunday after the first round of the presidenti­al election.

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