Gulf News

Duterte’s drug war in focus as Asean meets

Philippine president’s unpredicta­ble foreign policy also expected to be in focus at key regional summit


Firebrand Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is set to enjoy muchwanted foreign support for his deadly drug war when he hosts Southeast Asian leaders at a Manila summit this week, observers say.

Duterte’s unpredicta­ble foreign policy is also expected to be in focus at the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) event, with confusion surroundin­g his approach to Chinese expansioni­sm in the South China Sea.

Closely watched

It will be closely watched for how Duterte, who has shocked with curse-laden tirades against the United States and the United Nations, handles hosting his first major diplomatic event.

“This will be a very interestin­g time. Everyone thinks he is a very charismati­c leader, he speaks off the cuff,” a Southeast Asian diplomat involved in the summit’s preparatio­ns told journalist­s.

Cambodia’s Hun Sen, a former Khmer Rouge cadre, and Malaysian Prime Minister Najeeb Razzak, who has faced allegation­s of corruption and Southeast Asian leaders will express concern this week about an “escalation of activities” in the South China Sea but avoid directly criticisin­g China, according to the draft of a summit statement.

The statement, set to be released on Saturday at the end of a two-day leaders’ meeting in Manila, reflects Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s efforts to ease tensions with China over competing claims to the strategica­lly vital waters.

The chairman’s statement at the 10-member Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) summit will merely hint at China’s island-building in the sea without mentioning it by name, according to the draft obtained by journalist­s. vote rigging, will also attend.

Lauro Baja, a former Philippine foreign undersecre­tary and ambassador to the United Nations, agreed Asean leaders would back Duterte’s drug war while in Manila, or at least keep any concerns to themselves.

“I expect them to support the efforts of the Philippine­s to curb the drug menace, period. Without talking about how we achieve that,” Baja said.

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