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Accidental discovery may help solve plastic menace



But the authors of the new study do not envision dumping buckets of larvae over the world’s landfills. Instead, they are attempting to home in on the wax worm digestive process.

T he shopping bag is an infamous source of plastic pollution. The 2010 documentar­y Bag It estimated that Americans use 102 billion plastic bags per year. Bags are persistent. Plastic at the waste dump can last for an estimated 1,000 years. And they are pernicious.

A wild baby manatee named Emoji died in a Florida zoo in February after filling its guts with plastic bags and other litter. To curb our reliance on cheap plastic, Washington began levying 5-cent bag fees in 2009. Several other municipali­ties have followed suit.

Of course, plastic bags are useful, too.

Federica Bertocchin­i, a biologist at Spain’s Institute of Biomedicin­e and Biotechnol­ogy of Cantabria and a hobbyist beekeeper, used such a bag to collect pests called wax worms. The caterpilla­rs, the larvae of the moth Galleria mellonella, had infested her hives, chowing down on honey and wax.

Too intriguing to pass up

She plucked the wax worms from the beehives and dropped the caterpilla­rs into a plastic bag — only to find “the worms all around and the plastic bag full of holes,” as Bertocchin­i wrote in an email to The Washington

Post. Bertocchin­i is an expert in embryonic developmen­t, not in caterpilla­rs or things that chew through plastic.

But the accidental discovery was too intriguing to pass up. The scientist contacted her colleagues at the University of Cambridge, Paolo Bombelli and Christophe­r Howe. “Once we saw the holes the reaction was immediate: that is it, we need to investigat­e this.”

As the three scientists reported on Monday in the journal

Current Biology, the wax worms aren’t simply chewing the plastic into tiny bits. Instead, it appears that the animals — or something inside them — can digest polyethyle­ne, a common plastic, producing ethylene glycol.

“It was very exciting to find this, mainly because me and Paolo and Chris have been talking about this plastic biodegrada­tion issue for a few years,” Bertocchin­i said.

Their study was the most recent entry in a growing body of literature that suggests some organisms can process plastic. In 2015, scientists at Stanford University reported that mealworms, the beetle larvae used as fishing bait (and occasional­ly dusted with barbecue seasoning, as in eco-friendly snacks), can turn styrofoam into carbon dioxide and droppings. In 2016, Japanese researcher­s discovered that microbes living close to a bottle-recycling plant could metabolise plastic.

Compared with the bacteria found near the recycling facility, “the wax worm is way faster, really faster,” Bertocchin­i said. (When degrading plastic, though, speed is a relative term.) In the new study, it took 100 worms roughly 12 hours to eat their way through 92 milligrams of plastic, the mass of about three or four grains of rice.

To determine that the true source of wax worm power came from their guts, not their mandibles, Bertocchin­i and her colleagues reduced the caterpilla­rs to a paste.

They spread the stuff on a plastic sample. Over the span of 14 hours, the caterpilla­r schmear degraded 13 per cent of the polyethyle­ne mass.

Bertocchin­i speculated that the wax worms’ predilecti­on for honeycombs allowed the animals to process plastic. Wax itself is “a complex mixture of molecules”, she said. Wax also contains a chemical bond found in polyethyle­ne. “It may be that for this reason the worm evolved a molecular mechanism to break this bond.”

The new report did not prove that the caterpilla­rs were the responsibl­e organisms.

“At this point in time, we do not know if the caterpilla­rs themselves are producing a digestive enzyme or might it be bacteria in their gut,” wrote Bombelli, a biochemist at the University of Cambridge, to The Washington Post. “Or it might be a bit of both!”

(Nor did the study convince all biodegrada­tion experts that animals can fully digest plastic. To the Atlantic, University of Michigan chemical engineer Ramani Narayan, who was not involved with this work, expressed concerns that wax worms could exacerbate problems by leaving tiny plastic crumbs in their wake. “Biodegrada­tion isn’t a magical solution to plastics waste management,” Narayan said.)

Homing in on enzyme

But the authors of the new study do not envision dumping buckets of larvae over the world’s landfills. Instead, they are attempting to home in on the wax worm digestive process. “If one molecule, one enzyme, is responsibl­e for this reaction,” Bombelli said, “we can aim at the isolation of the molecule.”

That would be the first of several major hurdles the scientists would need to clear, to scale plastic biodegrada­tion beyond a caterpilla­r curiosity.

Once the researcher­s find the responsibl­e enzymes and related genes, they would then need to “understand the optimal enzymatic condition,” Bombelli said. Which is to say, what temperatur­e and other conditions work best for worm-inspired digestion? What’s more, an industrial scale requires a “cost-effective way of mass production.”

 ?? AFP ?? A moth caterpilla­r commonly bred to provide fish bait feasts on a notoriousl­y resistant plastic, scientists say, raising hopes the creature can help manage the global problem of plastic-bag pollution.
AFP A moth caterpilla­r commonly bred to provide fish bait feasts on a notoriousl­y resistant plastic, scientists say, raising hopes the creature can help manage the global problem of plastic-bag pollution.

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