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Islamic calendar


Muslims follow a calendar based on the lunar year, which is around 10 days shorter than the solar Gregorian year. The Islamic calendar, comprised of 12 months based on the moon cycle, is known as the Hijri (Migration) year, named after the migration of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) from Makkah to Medina. The Islamic year Hijri 1 correspond­s to AD622. We are currently in the Hijri year 1438.

Since the Hijri year is shorter, it arrives 10 days ‘earlier’ in relation to the Gregorian year after each cycle. This means it moves through the seasons — that’s why Ramadan comes ‘earlier’ by 10 days every year.

Islamic months

1 Muharram

2 Safar

3 Rabi Al Awwal

4 Rabi Al Thani

5 Jumada Al Ula

6 Jumada Al Akhira

7 Rajab

8 Sha’aban

9 Ramadan

10 Shawwal

11 Dhu Al Qa’da

12 Dhu Al Hijja

Moon Sighting

In the Islamic lunar calendar, known as the Hijri year, the first crescent sighting after the new moon marks the start of each month. Like the other Islamic months, Ramadan’s start is also tied to the crescent sighting. Moon sighting is a religious practice in Islam, and we show you here how the moon plays such a shining role in the life of billions of Muslims around the world.

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