Gulf News

GOP candidate assaults reporter

Gianforte is contesting Montana’s lone seat in the House of Representa­tives


Montana Republican congressio­nal candidate Greg Gianforte was charged for a misdemeano­r on Wednesday after a reporter accused him of physical assault on the eve of a special election to fill the state’s lone seat in the US House of Representa­tives.

The Gallatin County sheriff’s office issued the charge for misdemeano­r assault hours after Ben Jacobs, a political correspond­ent for the US edition of the Guardian newspaper, said in a Twitter post and in a television interview that Gianforte “body slammed” him, breaking his eyeglasses.

The incident, which caps a campaign seen as a possible bellwether for next year’s mid-term congressio­nal races, took place at an event in Bozeman, where Jacobs sought to question Gianforte about health care, according to an audio tape captured by Jacobs and played on cable television networks MSNBC and CNN.

Fox News Channel reporter Alicia Acuna, who said she and her crew were in the room preparing to interview Gianforte, wrote that she saw Gianforte as he “grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him to the ground.” Acuna, her field producer and photograph­er then “watched in disbelief as Gianforte began punching (Jacobs) as he moved to top of the reporter.”

Gianforte’s campaign did not deny Jacobs’ allegation but countered in its own statement that Jacobs instigated an altercatio­n by barging into the candidate’s office, shoved a recording device in his face “and began asking badgering questions”.

“After asking Jacobs to lower the recorder, Jacobs declined,” campaign spokesman Shane Scanlon wrote. “Greg then attempted to grab the phone that was pushed in his face. Jacobs grabbed Greg’s wrist and spun away from Greg, pushing them both to the ground.”

“It’s unfortunat­e that this aggressive behaviour from a liberal journalist created this scene at our campaign volunteer BBQ,” the statement said.

Acuna disputed that Jacobs was the aggressor.

Gianforte has until June 7 to appear in a county court. He faces a $500 fine and six months in jail if convicted, according to Gootkin.

 ?? AFP ?? Greg Gianforte
AFP Greg Gianforte

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