Gulf News

A fad can become mainstream very quickly


Even though I find the concept of sologamy absurd, you just need one celebrity to do it, before it becomes the new normal.

The pressure to get married does affect you. Even though I am not at that age, if you are in your mid-twenties and most of your friends are getting married and you aren’t — you will definitely feel the pressure. It’s not like someone’s forcing you, I think it’s self created pressure: “Everyone is doing it and I am not able to find someone.”

Forget the ‘aunties’ who ask you when you are getting married, I feel that social media platforms distort the image of marriage and life partner a lot, as well. There is this image of perfection that is being shoved down people’s throats. Films, too, play a big role, especially romantic comedies. They drill the idea in your mind that there is a certain age and a certain way of getting married. If someone puts off marriage till their thirties, it becomes such a big deal. “Oh my God, why are you getting married when you’re 32? Why not earlier?”

And the entire build-up surroundin­g marriage is ridiculous. A wedding won’t solve all your life’s problems. Getting married doesn’t mean you won’t have problems, it just means that you have someone to share those problems with.

Also, if you get married because you are under pressure, or you don’t want to disappoint your parents, you are just going to blame them when you aren’t happy. At the end of the day, you made the decision, even if you felt you were forced into it. That can be a lot more disastrous. From Mr Talha Mahmoud Accounting student living in Dubai

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