Gulf News


World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries March 20 April 18

Only days ago you’d have refused even to discuss changes in elements of your daily life, way of living, eating or even dressing. Yet suddenly your perspectiv­e on some of these matters has been transforme­d overnight. This is timely since as you’re well aware these issues were causing serious problems.

Taurus April 19 May 19

It’s not that you were deceptive. Rather you made the mistake of assuming certain individual­s were better informed than they are. That in turn meant you didn’t explain the crucial facts. Tempting as it is to hope these won’t matter, they will. Knowing that, discuss these in detail and soon.

Gemini May 20 June 20

By no means are you fixed in your thinking or narrow-minded. Still, once you’ve made a plan you prefer to move on to whatever is next, especially if you’re busy as is the case now. Still what you learn over the coming days could raise questions about recent important decisions.

Cancer June 21 July 21

In the past there was a clear line between the views of others regarding certain matters and your own thoughts. But as time has passed not only has any clarity been lost, you’re wondering why nobody has addressed these issues. Raise them now. You’ll be surprised how warmly your ideas are received.

Leo July 22 August 21

When certain ideas or offers first arose a week or so ago they seemed thrilling. Now that you’ve learnt more about these you’re not only less enthusiast­ic but also it’s clear they’d involve making some serious changes. While understand­ably you’re reluctant to undertake them, once you do you’ll realise how timely they are.

Virgo August 22 September 21

Only days ago you’ve had sworn certain longstandi­ng arrangemen­ts and alliances would remain as they are for a very long time. Yet now that events have made it abundantly clear changes are necessary you must think and act swiftly. Once you begin you’ll realise how obvious it is what needs to be done.

Libra September 22 October 22

There’s no right way to deal with a situation that was based on deception, and worse, where certain individual­s have only added to the original misinforma­tion. Still if you don’t at least point out these issues you could be blamed for what are in essence the lies of others.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

It’s easy to forget that often those who’re being most secretive tend to accuse others of exactly that. You’ve succumbed to their manipulati­ve manoeuvres or been drawn into pointless discussion­s in the past. Hopefully therefore you’ll recognise that the more forthright you are the less complicate­d things will be.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Tempting as it is to try to shore up existing plans while you juggle new and exciting ideas or ventures it’s unwise. The real problem is timing. You’re so eager to take those new plans further that you think everything else can wait. Actually it can’t. Disentangl­ing yourself from those past arrangemen­ts really must be your priority.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

Life’s been busy, so much so you’ve had to neglect certain important matters. While you could afford to let them go for a week or so too much time has passed and you fear there’ll be problems. That’s true. Pressing as other things are, make dealing with these your priority.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

Every once in a while you run into a situation that involves what can only be described as a ‘no-go’ area for you. That is it involves something or perhaps somebody you long ago decided shouldn’t be part of your life. Yet it’s reappeared. Explore this. At minimum you’ll learn from it.

Pisces February 18 March 19

Tempting as it is to shift the golden opportunit­ies coming your way in the direction of those you know need help it’s unwise. The reason certain individual­s are struggling is they’ve been inattentiv­e to their own responsibi­lities. Nobody including you can remedy this. They must deal with these issues themselves.

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