Gulf News




1 Talk freely, giving the starting price away (5)

6 Manly Scot with a useless house (5)

9 Arrives to take refreshmen­t after the performanc­e (5,2)

10 Even staggering round the bend to a meeting place (5)

11 You can make tea with it (5)

12 Speedy coppers participat­ing in a raid (5)

13 Cocktail a motorcycli­st may have (7)

15 Water from the sidewalk (3)

17 One who exploits us with a half of beer (4)

18 The place for a strong, businessli­ke paper (6)

19 The rascal lived riotously (5)

20 Warm-hearted French friends of a Dumas musketeer (6)

22 Bit of a nasty eye (4)

24 Rob him of character! (3)

25 It’s decorative, possibly of stone (7)

26 Animal trainer whose act is less exciting? (5)

27 Badly bake a bit of bread, and it’s edible (5)

28 A tow-headed girl, in fact (5)

29 Many a part of London is ‘on-Sea’! (7)

30 Virginia’s condition, perhaps? (5)

31 Exciting present? (5)


2 Summary of new prices (6)

3 He takes too much interest (6)

4 An article shared by mother and father (3)

5 Vow to give attention to certain points (5)

6 A show worth hearing (7)

7 Copied some landscape drawings (4)

8 Composer of ‘Messiah’ and ‘Elijah’, apparently (6)

12 Judges to be a wild aster (5)

13 Something refined brought back from Ragusa (5)

14 Notes a day out to be a bad thing! (5)

15 Do fully (5)

16 Have a rousing effect on (5)

18 For faultless service on the motorway, he doesn’t want to pay! (5)

19 To give a girl fur may leave her helpless! (7)

21 Bobby’s old-fashioned peeler, perhaps? (6)

22 As a novelist, rename Ernest as Laurence (6)

23 Lads giving a wild shout at the close of play (6)

25 Fight to make robbery profitable? (5)

26 With diplomacy, volunteers to go to court (4)

28 Drink, little one (3)


ACROSS: 3. Chest 8. Habit 10. Wit-CH 11. Cut 12. Older 13. Mascara 15. D-ebut (rev.) 18. Hid 19. Sedate 21. Redeems 22. Wood 23. Stir 24. Des-troy 26. Sl-Op.-ed 29. Ham 31. Ti-ta-n 32. Ce-me-nts 34. Tut-O-r 35. Her 36. Tax-Ed 37. Roy-Al 38. Realm.

DOWN: 1. MA-caw 2. Pitched 4. Hula 5. Swedes 6. Tir-E-d 7. Scout 9. Bus 12. Ordered 14. A-I’d 16. Batty 17. T-er-ry 19. Smother 20. Twist 21. Robot 23. S-ome-how 24. Denude 25. RA-M 27. Lilac 28. Pater 30. St.-ray 32. Cool 33. Ney.

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