Gulf News

Zimbabwe still has a long way to go

Mugabe clung on to power through vote-rigging. The system is inherently biased and needs overhaulin­g before the country can have free and fair elections


o fully understand the euphoria that greeted the news on Tuesday night that Robert Mugabe had finally resigned as president of Zimbabwe, consider the case of Mathanda Mbo-Dube. A few years ago, Mbo-Dube was enjoying a drink with friends when Mugabe, then 88, appeared on a TV screen in a sports bar near Bulawayo. Mbo-Dube commented that the president was “too old”. Overheard by members of Mugabe’s secret police, Mbo-Dube was arrested and jailed for the crime of “underminin­g and insulting the president”.

Mugabe’s removal after nearly 40 years is currently uniting all shades of opinion in celebratio­n. But what will it take to move the country forward now, after decades of crisis?

The British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, the Africa Minister, Rory Stewart, and others in the European Union (EU) have already spoken in favour of free and fair elections as soon as possible. They are wrong.

True, credible elections are ultimately the best way to take Zimbabwe to a democratic future. But there is neverthele­ss no way of ensuring that a ballot can be meaningful within the short period between Mugabe’s removal and the scheduled date for elections, in June next year. The apparatus of vote-rigging and repression that Mugabe had entrenched over the years cannot be undone in a year or two, maybe not even in three. The generals whose soft coup kickstarte­d the process of Mugabe’s demise were the main architects and enforcers of this machinery. They did not initiate Mugabe’s toppling because they have suddenly become genuine democrats. They embarked on their actions because they had no other choice.

The former first lady, Grace Mugabe, had put them on notice as she set to clear her path to the presidency, going as far as accusing the army of plotting to kill her son. So the generals had to save their own skins by clearing the path to power for their ally Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Removing Mugabe, by whatever means, was always going to be the first step towards resolving the Zimbabwe crisis. But there is no incentive for the generals or Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party to swiftly dismantle a system they created, and which they now desperatel­y need to keep their man in power. If next year’s elections proceed, they will be under the very same conditions that benefited Mugabe and ruined the opposition. This is not to say that Mnangagwa will, initially, be worse than Mugabe. He is certainly a better pragmatist, aware he needs to demonstrat­e at least cosmetic reforms to internatio­nal donors and investors. But the polls will be a walkover for Zanu-PF.

In Chitungwiz­a, a densely populated area where my father lives, south-east of Harare, not a drop of water has flowed from municipal taps for eight years. The people are saved by boreholes sunk by Unicef. The municipali­ty has no money to buy water treatment chemicals and repair broken infrastruc­ture. Zimbabwean­s joke that you go to the country’s dilapidate­d state hospitals and clinics to die, not to be saved. Infrastruc­ture across the country is entirely run down and the economy is reduced to the levels of the 1960s. Pushing such a traumatise­d people into early elections would be unhelpful.

Critical broadcast media sector

More worryingly, the Zimbabwean diaspora remains completely excluded from the electoral process because Mugabe had long suspected Zimbabwean­s in exile of being opposition supporters. The critical broadcast media sector, in which independen­t players have been completely excluded for years, would equally need a massive overhaul. The shortcomin­gs of Zimbabwe’s electoral system are bad enough. Moreover, the army generals responsibl­e for Mnangagwa’s rise have not yet recanted their vow never to let anyone who did not participat­e in the 1970s liberation struggle rule Zimbabwe. Unless this changes, their stance also automatica­lly disqualifi­es Tsvangirai, the only opposition leader to have defeated Mugabe in elections .

Fortunatel­y, the war veterans have declared that no single party can feasibly shoulder the responsibi­lity of rebuilding Zimbabwe, and they support the idea of a transition­al authority. The opposition stands a better chance of influencin­g positive electoral reforms in such an arrangemen­t, and Britain and the EU should support it by making future aid to Zimbabwe conditiona­l on its formation. Hurried elections will only perpetuate Zanu-PF hegemony.

Having left Zimbabwe in 2002, as Mugabe’s intimidati­on of the independen­t media reached a high point, I am as elated as any Zimbabwean at his exit. However, it would be naive to believe Mnangagwa’s ascendancy marks the dawn of a new era, without the necessary pressures the world can exert to ensure that he breaks completely with the past.

Basildon Peta is a Zimbabwean journalist and activist, and a former member of the general council of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions.

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