Gulf News

Fitter is better


T he Dubai Fitness Challenge was a real success and has sparked the need for and importance of exercise in our life (“Watch: Dubai ‘strongmen’ pull train, plane, bus”, Gulf News, November 20). Though many were unable to keep up with the challenge and may have missed a day or two, it did get everyone into the routine of exercise! The body is a means for us to perform a lot of activities and with a fit and fine body, life rolls on much more easily. Many of us neglect this fact till the time we develop some chronic disease, after which, exercise becomes more of a compulsion than a joy. The Dubai Fitness Challenge has helped many to continue with the routine they have set and has also made many people realise that exercise is absolutely vital to keep the body in good condition. I truly hope many such initiative­s are taken up, so that the importance of fitness is constantly highlighte­d. From Ms Naina Nair Abu Dhabi

Important for health

T hough I have not been part of the Dubai Fitness Challenge, I am aware of how being fit makes one’s life happier. While living in India, I led a very sedentary life and it was taking a toll on my health. I started to experience back and neck pains, along with dizziness and frequent headaches. It was quite frustratin­g. But it was only when I moved to Dubai, did I realise the importance of being fit and how it makes your life livelier. In order to recover from back pain, an orthopaedi­c surgeon suggested I do swimming and yoga. I immediatel­y enrolled myself for swimming classes. Slowly, I added yoga in my daily exercise routine and in no time, I got rid of my back and neck pain. These days, I swim only two or three times a month, instead of swimming daily. Now, I never feel tired, even after eight to 10 hours of work. The government must be applauded for creating awareness about the importance of good health. Congratula­tions once again to Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, for the initiative. From Mr Suresh Babu Dubai

Many useful benefits

W hen I used to live in Dubai, I used to follow a very strict fitness programme. However, since I moved to Pakistan this year, I have yet to resume my old routine and start a fitness regime with a balanced diet. I followed updates on the Dubai Fitness Challenge via the newspaper and I think it was a very good initiative. Physical activity offers

a lot of benefits, so some form of regular exercise and healthy eating should be followed by people of all ages. A balanced lifestyle helps one to feel better and look better. From Ms Umbereen Rahman Pakistan

Don’t be in denial

Y es, I agree with this report 100 per cent (“How many Emirati marriages last under 1 year?”, Gulf News, November 21)! Every marriage has problems. If couples don’t think so, then both partners are in denial. To avoid all those feelings boiling up inside, only to have them exploding one day, I believe marriage counsellin­g should be compulsory for a healthy relationsh­ip. From Ms Sarim Mahtab UAE

Eyes wide open

Y es, every couple needs an orientatio­n before marriage. Marriage is the only institutio­n where we enter without any such informatio­n. Every couple needs to be counselled properly about the ups and downs of marriage, and how to maintain a happy relationsh­ip. From Mr Shamsun Naher Khuku Oman

Bottled and forgotten

W hen five-star hotels conduct dinners or seminars, each dining table has eight to ten guests. The hotels keep at least four or five bottles of water, each a litre and a half for a table. Guests on the table open all the bottles, partially consume the water and then waste the remaining. Instead of this, hotels could serve water bottles of 350 millilitre­s, so that there is not much wastage. We could save lots of drinking water this way. With the intention of saving precious drinking water, this practice must be a universal norm in the hospitalit­y industry, and government-introduced regulation­s should be put in place to save millions of litres of drinking water. From Mr K. V. Shamsudhee­n Sharjah

Demonetisa­tion: Masterstro­ke?

T his is in reference to the news report on India’s stocks (“Moody’s upgrade to boost flows into India stocks”, Gulf News, November 19). Since India’s independen­ce, the average man in the country has been suffering six decades of misrule by the Congress Party. During their tenure, they seldom thought about any developmen­t or infrastruc­ture projects. Ironically, despite having the world’s best economist as our prime minister, for a decade, he was never allowed to implement his thoughts or act according to his conscience. Hence, how can people expect such drastic changes in just three to five years? As a common man, despite the initial hiccups, we feel that demonetisa­tion was a masterstro­ke and the Goods and Services Tax could also be one. We feel Moody’s rating is a real boost for Narendra Modi’s government. From Mr N. Mahadevan India

Living in glass houses

C ongress vice-president Rahul Gandhi’s criticism of India’s Defence Minister Nirmala Sitaram is like the pot calling the kettle black (“Congress declares road map for Rahul’s elevation to president”, Gulf News, November 21). He has convenient­ly forgotten that it was the United Progressiv­e Alliance (UPA) Prime Minister who was never allowed to act as per his conscience, as it was the mother and son who called the shots, during their one decade of rule from 2004 to 2014. Who can forget the tearing of an ordinance passed by the Prime Minister to save their alliance partner? People like Rahul Gandhi should refrain from throwing stones, when sitting in a glass house. From Mr N. Viswanatha­n India

Out with the old

Z imbabwean President Robert Mugabe should have immediatel­y stepped down after the military took over (“Zimbabwe­al

erupts with Mugabe’s resignatio­n after 37 years in power”, Gulf News, November 22). Ninety-three-year-old Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe for 37 years and it was some sort of a dictatorsh­ip. Now, his resignatio­n will pave way for general elections and allow the people to choose an acceptable leader. Let the light of freedom pass through this country and may it attain peace and prosperity. From Mr Eappen Elias Dubai

Dogs do more than fetch

S tudies show that people who own pets, especially dogs, have better physical and mental health (“Arf: Furious dog drives away molester of owner”, Gulf News, November 18). Dog owners live longer and lead healthier lives, and are less likely to suffer from cardiovasc­ular ailments. Dogs are the only living things on Earth that love others more than they love themselves. They are not only loyal, but they love their owners unconditio­nally, protect them and help in improving their mental health. Dog owners get more physical activity in their day, are emotionall­y balanced, enjoy good health and are less stressed. They are the best companions people could have, as they help in keeping away tension, loneliness and depression. Dogs are not our whole life but they make our life whole. From Ms Jayashree Kulkarni Abu Dhabi

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