Gulf News

Search still on for missing Barney

The canine that went missing from Arabian Ranches in Dubai on November 12 hasn’t been spotted since


On Sunday, November 12, our dog went missing. Every morning, I leave home for work and lock all the doors. My wife, who is eight months pregnant, usually works from home. But on that day she had a doctor’s appointmen­t.

As we were leaving, our dog came to say goodbye and we know that he usually runs upstairs and sleeps under our bed. But when we came home around 2.30pm the door that leads to the garden was open. We got worried and as I rushed upstairs, I noticed that Barney wasn’t there. The gardener was scheduled to come that day and I asked him about the dog, but he hadn’t seen him. We also have a maid who has been with us for more than two years, so we trust her to be honest as well. I immediatel­y alerted the security officers in the Arabian Ranches area, where we live and my wife called the police. Within 10 minutes, we had 15 people looking for him within the community.

The police told us we had to alert the Dubai Municipali­ty, which we did and they said they would reach out to us if they found him. They usually track pets based on their microchips.

Since that day, we have been organising search parties every morning, between 6 and 9am, and every evening, between 4 and 8pm. We printed flyers and distribute­d them around. But no one has spotted him thus far.

After all these searches, I have come to the conclusion that Barney was taken from our house. I know he didn’t run away. When I go running, I take him along and sometimes he isn’t even on a leash. But he never runs away.

We have now created a Facebook page to extend our search, which got a lot of people involved. We have posted pictures of him and shared all our contact numbers, too. The community has been amazing! I never expected so many people to come forward to help, but they have been wonderful in this difficult time.

If anyone spots Barney, please get in touch with us. He is of a mixed breed, with a black coat and has two brown spots above his eyes. His neck is also brown and it looks like he’s wearing brown socks.

We rescued him when he was just four months old from a kennel in Ras Al Khaimah. He was thrown in the rubbish at a very young age. When we visited the kennel, he hugged my wife and wouldn’t let go. We are looking forward to having our boy back soon.

If you would like to get in touch, you can reach us at or visit the facebook page, groups/1487831247­920709.

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 ?? Roberto Garrone ?? Barney is a mixed breed, with a black coat and has two brown spots above his eyes.
Roberto Garrone Barney is a mixed breed, with a black coat and has two brown spots above his eyes.

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