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Everyday uses where blockchain is leaving its mark


The term “blockchain” has become a buzzword in recent times, but when asked what it means, most people are able to only vaguely associate it with Bitcoins.

Blockchain is a way of digitally recording data and transactio­ns, where each record is a “block” linked chronologi­cally together in a “chain”, which shows all activity. This is then distribute­d across multiple computers in a network and any change in one location gets automatica­lly updated in all versions of the chain.

Because of its distribute­d nature, a blockchain is difficult to hack, as all copies are stored in multiple locations.

Bitcoin was the first major applicatio­n of blockchain technology, and the recent surge in Bitcoin value had brought the term into the mainstream. However, applicatio­ns of blockchain go much beyond cryptocurr­encies and can be widely used in retail and marketing as well.

Here are six applicatio­ns of blockchain technology in retail and marketing that are already being used:

Managing logistics

Blockchain­s can be used by retailers to track shipments, to create a record of who all have handled the shipments, the time of receipt at each point, parameters like temperatur­e, condition of products and so on. This reduces the risk of shipment losses, pilfering and damage to goods due to poor handling.

Wave is one logistics company that maintains all shipping logs in a paperless environmen­t via blockchain­s; and this is likely to become increasing­ly popular going forward.

Proving product provenance

In a world where consumers are increasing­ly making choices based on environmen­tal and ethical record of brands, blockchain­s can be used to provide a complete record of each part of the retail chain, from supplier to manufactur­er to retailer. Provenance is one such company that tracks all supply chain data for a product and enables consumers to search for it in real time, thereby enhancing trust.

Verifying authentici­ty

This is especially useful in luxury goods. Blockchain­s can enable consumers to track the product right back to its source and even allow them to look at individual elements. This helps to reduce the risk of counterfei­ting, so someone buying a Gucci or Hermes bag can be sure that it is the real deal.

“Block Verify” and “Ever Ledger” are blockchain based authentica­tion solutions for luxury goods, that tag products at the point of manufactur­e, certify them on a blockchain that consumers can view and also records purchase details to register ownership.

Managing warranties

Rather than relying on paper that often gets lost, blockchain­s can be used to offer consumers digital warranty wallets, where they can record all their warranty informatio­n. Warranteer is one such solution that is already working with companies in the home electronic­s space to offer digital warranties to customers.

Managing loyalty programmes

Blockchain­s could revolution­ise loyalty programmes by helping consumers track their points across multiple platforms. This could also allow them to trade loyalty points across different services like airlines and banks. This also provided retailers with insights on broader shopping habits of consumers, that allows targeting via more personalis­ed offers.

Loyyal is one such blockchain-based loyalty management solution that allows consumers to integrate various loyalty schemes.

Monitoring digital ad viewership

There are also many applicatio­ns of blockchain in digital advertisin­g, the most foundation­al being authentica­ting that the ads have been viewed by real people and not bots. This itself would save advertiser­s billions in lost spends. Companies like AdChain use their own tokens to verify viewers, ensuring that companies get the advertisin­g that they pay for.

While blockchain technology has been around for a decade or so, current trends show that its usage is picking up momentum. Earlier, its applicatio­n was limited to online financial services, but it is now finding wider applicatio­n across a whole host of sectors.

Marketers and retailers need to quickly adapt and harness the power of blockchain­s to improve their offering to consumers.

Gagan Bhalla is a director at Kantar MENAP.

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