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World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries March 20 April 18

Others say you shouldn’t allow the refusal of one particular individual to go along with your plans or ideas irritate you. But from your perspectiv­e they’re just being stubborn. Ask them a few questions. Actually they’ve good reason to refuse. It’s just it never occurred to them to tell you what it is.

Taurus April 19 May 19

Obviously life would be easier if you could make plans and stick to them. But with the second of the current pair of eclipses taking place in a few days even the simplest of arrangemen­ts is unlikely to remain as planned. Knowing that, ensure whatever you organise is as flexible as possible.

Gemini May 20 June 20

It seems like ages ago, but it was only last week that you were on the verge of telling certain individual­s they’d gone too far. Since then, happily the tense issues in question have been resolved and things are back to normal. Remember this when things get complicate­d again later this week.

Cancer June 21 July 21

Sometimes minor errors are no more than that. But judging by the past weeks’ rather tricky planetary activity these are linked by either a single undetected mistake or misunderst­anding. While getting to the bottom of this won’t be easy the time you invest will pay off in the valuable insights you gain.

Leo July 22 August 21

Over the period since late January’s powerful Leo eclipsed Full Moon you’ve relied on those closest for support and advice. What’s more they’ve often had to be patient while you went through various dramas. Now it’s their turn. They’re facing similar dramas and will need just as much of your support and attention.

Virgo August 22 September 21

This is one of those tricky periods during which past issues and more recent problems have all seemed to pile up suddenly. While some are genuinely urgent others aren’t as pressing. In fact many can wait until the end of the month by which time happily a few will have resolved themselves.

Libra September 22 October 22

Planning ahead may both mean you know what you’re meant to be doing and importantl­y clarify the role of others. Still, judging by the influence of Thursday’s eclipsed New Moon which indicates not merely changes but sudden developmen­ts the more flexible your thinking and the way you’ve been organizing any plans the better.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Usually minor issues are exactly that, of such little importance you can sidestep them and therefore avoid tedious conflicts. However with things moving swiftly you’re better off talking through any potential disputes while you can without too much pressure. That ensures you’ll be ready to move swiftly should you need to.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

While you don’t mind sudden changes and in fact can get a bit bored if life is too predictabl­e, even you could find the events triggered by this week’s eclipsed New Moon overwhelmi­ng. If so tackle them one by one. The more you learn the easier the rest will be to deal with.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

In mid-March the fiery Mars moves into Capricorn. Between now and then however it’s positioned in the most reflective portion of your chart. This period is about facing and often dealing with those people and situations you’ve been avoiding. What you’re learning will prove hugely valuable now, but even more in the future.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

Sometimes disagreeme­nts are exactly that. But judging by the current powerful planetary setup many of these are highlighti­ng unexpected­ly complex matters and situations that will require serious creative thinking. Once you’re aware of that and fully understand that they’ll need serious attention everything else will fall into place.

Pisces February 18 March 19

As a Piscean you’d always rather trust others than be suspicious. Yet you can’t help but question the motivation­s of one particular individual. While your instincts are usually sound, with so much in transition you could be wrong. The solution? Discuss your concerns frankly and openly. The resulting conversati­on will be extremely informativ­e.

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