Gulf News

Pitfalls in region’s search for gas


The conflict over the Mediterran­ean areas rich in natural gas appears to be intensifyi­ng and may even lead to military interventi­ons between the many countries involved. However, gas production has begun to flow, with some of the producers achieving self-sufficienc­y while others have turned into exporters of natural gas, which is the least polluting of natural energy sources.

Israel was the first to commence production and with the aim of swiftly converting from a natural gas importer to exporter. This resulted in its economy reviving, which in turn contribute­d to having the funds in hand to support colony activities in the occupied Palestinia­n territorie­s.

Five years ago, Cyprus announced promising gas discoverie­s; yet its production developmen­t faced difficulti­es due to Turkey’s entry into the maritime border of this small country.

In a substantia­l developmen­t, this year Egypt has announced the start of natural gas production after discoverin­g large quantities in the Dahr field, and thanks to the cooperatio­n of some leading companies, including ENI.

This news is of great import to all of us because the Egyptians deserve the best of opportunit­ies, and more so as the gas discovery will contribute to solving many economic difficulti­es and open up scope for developmen­t and job creation.

Lebanon, which is controlled by the Iran-backed Hezbollah militia, also announced gas discoverie­s near its coasts. Yet, Israel has declared that these areas fall within its maritime borders.

This will make it difficult for Lebanon to utilise the discoverie­s, which could have been of vital importance to an economy that has deteriorat­ed due to setbacks in vital sectors such as tourism, industry and agricultur­e after militias got this beautiful country involved in regional conflicts that had nothing to do with Lebanon.

All of that has done nothing but revive the appetite of a large country — Turkey — overlookin­g the Mediterran­ean.

Since Syria is located in the middle of all those countries, it is definite there will be a continuati­on of the conflict in that area, which took an internatio­nal character with the involvemen­t of major and regional powers. Surveys indicate that the gas production centre will be in Syrian territoria­l waters.

This was evidenced by Russia’s statements last week in which it pointed out that the goal of the US in Syria is to seize natural resources, in other words “natural gas”. The world stands on the verge of an imminent conflict that will change many alliances and balance of power.

The US is also trying to support Israel or attempting to intervene directly to obtain some concession­s for itself within the large gasfields, which could intensify the issue.

These developmen­ts would undoubtedl­y lead to a significan­t deteriorat­ion in gas prices, especially given that there will be huge quantities of shale gas produced by the US as well as by Australia, both of whom could soon become the largest producers and exporters of gas in the world.

Over the past decade, gas prices had fallen from $11 to $3.5 tcf, and more recently by 25 per cent to $2.6, leaving profound negative effects on the economies of exporting countries.

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