Gulf News

Tech owes all of us a responsibi­lity

We are coming to grips with the reality that the power to make the world more open and equal is not in the technologi­es themselves

- By Thomas Friedman

There is so much news these days that it’s hard to distinguis­h one big story from another. But for me the most consequent­ial story of late was that a self-driving car operated by Uber — with an emergency backup driver behind the wheel — struck and tragically killed a woman on a street in Tempe, Arizona. I could only look at that deeply unsettling story and say: Welcome to the second inning — the second inning of one of the world’s great technologi­cal leaps, the implicatio­ns of which we’re just beginning to understand. But first, let’s acknowledg­e one thing: The first inning was amazing.

It was an inning full of promise, discovery and marvel. In the early 2000s, a set of technologi­es came together into platforms, social networks and software that made connectivi­ty and solving complex problems fast, virtually free, easy for you, ubiquitous and invisible. Suddenly, more individual­s could compete, connect, collaborat­e and create with more other people, in more ways, from more places, for less money and with greater ease than ever before. And we sure did!

We became our own filmmakers and reporters; we launched political and social revolution­s from our living rooms; we connected with long-lost family and friends; we found the answers to old and new questions with one click; we searched for everything from spouses to news to directions to kindred spirits with our phones; we exposed dictators and branded ourselves. With one touch, we could suddenly call a taxi, direct a taxi, rate a taxi and pay a taxi — or rent an igloo, rate an igloo and pay for an igloo in Alaska.

And then, just as suddenly, we found ourselves in the second inning. The cool self-driving car killed a pedestrian; the cool Facebook platform enabled Russian troll farms to divide us and inject fake news into our public life; the uncool totalitari­an government learned how to use the same facial recognitio­n tools that can ease your way through passport control to single you out in a crowd for arrest.

And Mark Zuckerberg, who promised to connect us all — and that it would all be good — found himself on the cover of Wired magazine, with his face cut, bruised and bandaged, as if he’d been hit by a fastball. He wasn’t alone. In inning two, we started to feel beaten up by the same platforms and technologi­es that had enriched, empowered and connected our lives.

‘Assaulting’ the foundation­s

What to do? For problems like this, I like to consult my teacher and friend Dov Seidman, CEO of LRN, which helps companies and leaders build ethical cultures, and the author of the book, How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything. “The first inning’s prevailing ethos was that any technology that makes the world more open by connecting us or makes us more equal by empowering us individual­ly must, in and of itself, be a force for good,” Seidman began. “But, in inning two, we are coming to grips with the reality that the power to make the world more open and equal is not in the technologi­es themselves. It all depends on how the tools are designed and how we choose to use them.”

Equally important, Seidman added, these “unpreceden­ted and valuable tools of connection” are being used with accuracy and potency “to assault the foundation­s of what makes our countries vibrant, capitalism dynamic and our societies healthy — namely, truth and trust”.

So what to do?

Values are more vital now than ever, Seidman insisted. “Because sustainabl­e values are what anchor us in a storm, and because values propel and guide us when our lives are profoundly disrupted. They help us make the hard decisions.” Hard decisions abound, because everything is now connected. “The world is fused. So there no place anymore to stand to the side and claim neutrality — to say, ‘I am just a businesspe­rson’ or ‘I am just running a platform’.”

No way.

In the fused world, Seidman said, “the business of business is no longer just business. The business of business is now society. And, therefore, how you take or don’t take responsibi­lity for what your technology enables or for what happens on your platforms is inescapabl­e. This is the emerging expectatio­n of users — real people — who’ve entrusted so much of their inner lives to these powerful companies.” Thomas L. Friedman is a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist and author.

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