Gulf News




8 Cornelius is cool changing route that would lead to conflict (9,6)

9 Admit being depressed losing diamonds (3)

10 Pamper little Mary old theologian left in church (11)

11 Greek poet in river (5)

12 Comic due at show cancelled because of rain (6-3)

15 Famous singer posed to accommodat­e popular artist (7)

17 Admire characters in wire spectacles (7)

19 Hips and knees loose type of coat revealed (9)

20 Pony frisking around close to bell tower (5)

21 A problem the angler may have? (1,3,2,5)

24 Money fool rejected (3)

25 Countrywid­e issue, to-do – copy letters sent out (8,7)


1 Dessert produced by French chef, guy with good English (10)

2 Smart of one on a diet to lose pounds (6)

3 Intimate conversati­on between retired couple? (6,4)

4 Begrudge diplomat lacking nothing (4)

5 Instrument­s used to fix Oscar’s crowns (8)

6 Reproduced in black and another colour (4)

7 One acting as monarch, for example, in musical (6)

8 Garments husband put in closet, surprising­ly (7)

13 Season swell deep-fried pancake (6,4)

14 Exposed, landlord in communicat­ion intended for publicatio­n (4,6) 16 Tavener’s first work – score is superb (3-5)

18 Renting in extremely tolerable French city (7)

19 Seafood affected one after start of show (6)

20 Currency unit once used in Guadeloupe set aside (6)

22 A leading orchestra, as well (4) 23 Extra papers that you and I must hold (4)

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