Gulf News





1 4

12 18 19 20 21 22


26 27 28 32 34 35 37 42 44 46 49 50 52 54 55 56

59 61


64 67 70 71 72


79 80

87 88 90

91 92

93 95 97


Humanities degs. Dangerous thing to fall in with Enhances Exiled, with ‘away’ Nonconform­ing Kitchen gadget Eponymous reader Interfaith service attendees? Conquered after being lost, as territory Part of it is on L.I. __ food Arsonist’s alibi? __ resources Ornamental shrub Gurus’ retreats Ill-gotten gains Sheep group Pre-adulthood stages Venerable retailer Even once Reliable sort Glitzy rock genre Goliath, to David Levelheade­d Cause of business failure?

State requiring ‘Stat!’ Enterprise bridge figure Distinguis­hed screwballs?

More than not Unrefined

airer actor Epps Uproar over a controvers­ial win? Eponymous salad creator

‘That is my intention’ Niche market for airport bookstores? Emulate a condor Spherical organ

saga fixture Equanimity First word of

WWI battle river Stop on the briny S.F. commuting system 16th-century Sorrento-born poet 100 Cape user

102 SALT subject

103 Barely bested, with


106 Dumpster hoverers? 111 Like Stephen KingÕs


114 Medium power? 116 Golden quality? 117 Hygiene product for

very big teeth? 122 Yawn-inducing 123 One changing lines,


1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


11 12 13

14 15

16 17 18

19 23 25 29 30

31 Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis


124 End of an ultimatum 125 98-Across’ lang. 126 Yes

127 Manhattan region 128 Sardine catcher

Stimulatin­g nut Women’s fashion chain

Really angry Bombers’ home? Radius location Young socialite Pixar output, briefly Track competitor Brand including Regenerist products Defiant reply to a dare

Soft & __: deodorant Sleep disorder Make less dangerous, as a snake

Acer rival Vending machine opening

Acer employee TV planet Banzai Pipeline feature

Frozen drink brand Omega, to a physicist London’s __ Gardens Ruth wore one What kilowatt hours measure Knickknack perch 33

36 38

39 40 41 42


44 45 47

48 51 53 57


60 63 64 65

66 68 69 72 73 74 75

77 78 81 Its Space Command has HQ in Colorado Capital of Eritrea Alter, as a tailor might

First Family name Dueling party Low cards Consumer protection org. Conquistad­or’s treasure Pacific Rim nation Eurasian border river Opposite of a squeaker

Lowly worker Tom of

Math subj. Grounds crew concern Informatio­n source, with ‘the’

All over the world Bookkeepin­g no. Champagne cocktail Hurricanes form over them Embarks

Furry TV ET Licence holder? Stop by

GPS data Foolish one Food in a humility metaphor Spheres Vanquish

Hall of Fame chef De Laurentiis Wreaked state Tinkered with ‘Soon’

ATM giant Procure Full-figured model born Melissa Miller Archipelag­o with an eponymous wine 96 Storied vessel

99 Big weight

101 Java creation

102 Workers’ org. formed

in 1886

104 Vasarely’s genre 105 Word for word?:


107 Actor Davis

108 Raised symbol of 82 83 84 85 86 89



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