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A year to Brexit, doubts still linger

Delivering a smooth departure will now need a high level of statesmans­hip and diplomatic ingenuity so that all parties can move towards a new constructi­ve partnershi­p

- Andrew Hammond

With a year until the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May concluded on Friday a whirlwind tour of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. With the nation still badly divided over its exit from the Brussels- based club, the government is moving ahead with preparatio­ns to sever ties after almost a half century of membership.

The latest big stage in this process came only last week when the European Council Summit of presidents and prime ministers signed off, in principle, on a Brexit transition deal. European leaders also agreed to their first set of draft negotiatin­g guidelines on the future EU- UK relationsh­ip with the big ambition of securing a final Brexit framework deal that will kick- in in the 2020s after the transition­al period ends.

The very limited timeframe offered by the two- year Article 50 process is exactly why the UK Government wants a transition period to help smooth Brexit and the agreement runs through to December 31, 2020, the end date of the EU’s current budget. This will help give the nation time to adjust to new political and regulatory frameworks, although some leading Brexiteers, including former UK Independen­ce Party leader Nigel Farage, have slammed this option as pointless “backslidin­g” and have called for May to resign.

The transition accord, which is currently scheduled to come into effect on March 29, 2019, was finally agreed after Spain threatened to veto it over Gibraltar’s inclusion in it. Gibraltar, like the Irish border issue, remains a key area of dispute in Brexit talks and to secure Madrid’s sign off for EU leaders, who asserted that the United Kingdom must come to a bilateral agreement with Spain over the future of the UK’s overseas territory on the southern Spanish coast. Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis has already invited the UK government to negotiatio­ns on the issue, including proposals for joint sovereignt­y.

The fact that Madrid may yet play hard ball in Brexit negotiatio­ns over this issue is reflected in Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s previous reported remarks to his UK counterpar­t May. He said then that such a joint sovereignt­y model will, under a ‘ hard Brexit’ scenario of the UK leaving the European Single Market and Customs Union, be the only way for Gibraltar to secure continued access to the European Single Market which is key for its economy.

With Spain’s veto on this issue withdrawn, for now, the signing off on the transition deal now sets the stage for very tough talks on a final settlement that will be the hardest stage yet of the long negotiatio­ns process. This phase will encompass not just the parameters of a newly defined UK- EU relationsh­ip, including a new trade deal.

But they will also involve issues not fully resolved in earlier UK- EU divorce discussion­s, especially the future of the Irish border which remains a vexed issue with no clear solution in sight. So this is a massive task, not least as the EU Chief Brexit Negotiator Michel Barnier has said that a final framework deal should be reached by October which appears super ambitious.

Issue of more clarity

What is key now in the eyes of Barnier is London giving more clarity on the UK’s final negotiatin­g positions. The most authoritat­ive road map here remains the Brexit set piece speech May gave in London on March 2.

Even with goodwill from both sides, and the latest transition deal obstacle lifted, it is uncertain whether these collective negotiatin­g demands can be realised from the EU, given its own tough negotiatin­g positions, and its commitment to the four freedoms of goods, services, capital and persons. This is especially so given May’s weakened political standing after June’s UK general election where she lost her parliament­ary majority.

Coming after the December 8 first phase Brexit deal, May has been temporaril­y strengthen­ed by the Brexit transition agreement. However, it remains possible that her government could still fall in 2018, especially with her Conservati­ve Party potentiall­y enduring poor results in May’s UK local elections, which could leave her badly on the back foot again. So with a significan­t amount now beyond her power, even more rests on whether the remaining 27 EU states will offer outlines of such a final deal on attractive enough terms to her to accept. This is why talks could still break down this year, especially over the Irish border issue where London, Dublin and Brussels are still scrambling to find a solution for how a harder border can be avoided between the Republic of Ireland ( which will remain in the EU) and Northern Ireland ( which remains in the UK and thus leaves the Brusselsba­sed club) without the latter remaining in a customs union with Europe, an option that May has rejected.

The economic, political and internatio­nal relations stakes in play in securing a final Brexit deal are therefore big for all parties. Delivering a smooth departure will now need a high level of statesmans­hip and diplomatic ingenuity so that all parties can move towards a new constructi­ve partnershi­p for the years to come.

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 ?? Niño Jose Heredia/ © Gulf News ??
Niño Jose Heredia/ © Gulf News

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