Gulf News

Muslim cleric says buying Facebook ‘likes’ immoral

Grand Mufti says genuine promotion is permissibl­e


For centuries, successive Grand Muftis of Egypt have weighed in on the lives of the nation’s citizens. The Muslim legal experts have issued fatwas, or religious decrees, that respond to questions seeking religious guidance on the most serious of issues, such as blasphemy, to the most trivial household matters.

Their bailiwick now includes how Muslims should act on social media.

This week, Egypt’s current Grand Mufti, Shawki Allam, ruled that buying ‘likes’ on Facebook to falsely build up followers was “immoral” and “a fraud” — and hence prohibited under Islam.

Allam published his ruling on the Facebook page of Dar Al Ifta, the Sunni institutio­n that is responsibl­e for religious decisions that are primarily based on the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Allam said boosting content to promote an account, product or Facebook page is permitted under Islam as long as it’s done in a way that reflects reality.

But boosting social media interactio­n through fake ‘likes’ or ‘comments’ on a promotion is a clear violation of honesty, he said. “If likes are fake, or electronic­ally generated, and do not resemble real individual­s, then that would be considered impermissi­ble given that it’s a form of fraud,” the post on Dar Al Ifta’s Facebook page read.

Also calling such actions “deceptive,” Allam offered support for his ruling by citing the Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) saying: “He who deceives is not us.”

‘Bitcoin equals gambling’

This is not the first time this year that Allam has ruled on the way technology is influencin­g lives.

Earlier this year, he issued a fatwa declaring that the buying and selling of Bitcoin and any other cryptocurr­ency was equivalent to gambling, and prohibited under Islam.

He said that the digital currency was directly responsibl­e for the financial ruin of people.

Earlier this month, Dar Al Ifta issued a fatwa prohibitin­g the playing of an online game called Blue Whale because it is believed to have prompted some participan­ts to commit suicide. The game pushes players to go through dangerous tasks over 50 days, including causing self-inflicted wounds.

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