Gulf News

Reduce, reuse and recycle


The Gulf News recycling campaign is a wonderful initiative and it should continue (“The world is facing a plastic crisis”, April 14). We see that the awareness levels among people has to increase further, to bring about a culture wherein every citizen or human being contribute­s to the eliminatio­n of waste, and recycles. We are in a dire situation and we need to focus more on saving the planet. I go for a daily walk to the park in the neighbourh­ood and it is a horrible sight on Saturdays as the park has been ravaged by people on Friday.

There is food and plastic strewn around and it looks worse than a crash site. I can understand that the park employees take a lot of effort and make it a clean place, but sadly, the people who visit the park have not taken the responsibi­lity to keep it clean. They can easily sort out the waste and avoid bringing lots of plastic. The park authoritie­s will eventually charge everyone a normal fee and we all have to pay the tax because of

a few unworthy acts. We need to create more awareness and educate the public to do away with plastics.

I think India has been a pioneer in environmen­t management. We have been using banana leaves for centuries and this is a bio degradable plate. We have used coconut shells as containers and I think this should be further studied and implemente­d wherever possible.

From Mr Murugesh S. S. Sivam Dubai

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