Gulf News




1 Rapid transmissi­on of news in primitive communitie­s (4,9)

7 Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1989 to 1990 (5)

8 Period from conception to birth (9) 9 1986 film starring Arnold Schwarzene­gger (3,4)

10 Salts of a crystallin­e acid with strong oxidising properties (7)

11 One of a body of lancers in the Polish army (5)

12 Knight of the Holy Grail (9)

14 Gingili used in salads, cooking etc (6,3)

17 Japanese dish of rice and raw fish (5)

19 More wicked, worse (7)

21 Knocked down onto the ground (7) 22 Inner curved ridge of the external ear (9)

23 Borough on mainland of New York City (5)

24 Genus of plants including the California­n poppy (13)


1 Adorn as if by gems (7)

2 Ship’s doctor (7)

3 Harold —, 1893-1950, English political scientist (5)

4 Make cheerful and happy (7)

5 Person who operates an aircraft (7) 6 Indicator of prices on Hong Kong Stock Exchange (4,4,5)

7 French writer 1740-1814, who wrote works of sexual fantasy (7,2,4)

8 Italian astronomer who perfected the refracting telescope (7)

13 Capital of Nova Scotia (7)

15 Of the body’s longest nerve (7)

16 Economist who wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population (7)

17 Entertainm­ent industry (7)

18 Fleshy excrescenc­e arising from connective tissue (7)

20 Printer’s devil (5)

 ??  ??

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