Gulf News

Burn up space to win points

- — Phillip Alder

Fred Hoyle, an English astronomer and author, said, “Space isn’t remote at all. It’s only an hour’s drive away if your car could go straight upwards.” Space is important in bridge. There is not a lot between the launch pad of one club and the outer space of seven no-trump. This is particular­ly true for deals in which a pair needs time to discuss strain and level. Look at today’s deal. It was played 15 times at Bridge Base Online. At 14 tables, the auction started with three passes around to West. Four times, the bidding stopped in a club partscore, and 10 pairs reached five clubs, made exactly (thrice), or plus one (thrice) or plus two (four times). The final auction is given. South burnt up bidding space by opening three diamonds, bidding one level higher than usual when nonvulnera­ble. West overcalled four clubs, wondering if he was missing three no-trump because East had a diamond stopper. North raised to four diamonds, thinking his side had a 10-card fit. Then there were three passes. What went wrong for East-West? West might have bid five clubs over three diamonds. Also, East, although having a minimum, could have made a card-showing double over four diamonds. Then West would surely have bid five clubs. The defence against four diamonds dropped a trick. West found the heart-king lead. He cashed the spade ace and club king, then played a spade. East took the heart ace, then failed to give West a spade ruff.

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