Gulf News

Don’t body shame others

- ■ The reader is a student residing in Sharjah. By Samreena Ashraf

We are all worried about how we view ourselves and how others perceive us. All of us, at some point have thought that we were not beautiful enough, or tall enough or thin enough. A distorted perception of beauty is harmful. Beauty should be left undefined. Flaws, blemishes and scars all make up a human being.

Different people view beauty differentl­y, but putting a tag of desirabili­ty on features and elements like blemishes is highly devastatin­g. There are men and women of different age groups trying to fit into the ‘desired perception’ of beauty, and are trying to feel good about themselves. They’re trying to force their bodies to submit to society’s version of beauty. The current perception equates to being perfect.

Perfection is a myth and in reality, beauty comes from being able to love yourself for however you are. Respecting your body is important. Your body is your friend, not an enemy. Don’t be insecure about your body because you don’t fit into that ideal image. Everyone has different struggles; respect that struggle. As a society, we’ve never been able to strike a balance on issues regarding body image. The ‘ideal’ body image has been changing throughout history. To perpetuate the notion of a healthy body would be better for people. We should not body shame those who do not appear to have achieved an ideal image.

The only way to make peace with your mind about being perfect is to love and embrace your own imperfecti­ons. There’s a quote by British Actress Emma Watson that resonates with me: “Feeling beautiful has nothing to do with what you look like, I promise.”

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