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- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!

Aries March 20 April 19

Don’t be surprised if those who’ve made promises or even committed to plans fail you and at the last minute. Disappoint­ing if not annoying as this is the actual foundation on which those plans are based is changing so you’d probably have needed to rethink things anyway. Work with others to explore future options.

Taurus April 20 May 20

Loyalty comes in many forms. At the moment you’re facing somebody who’s convinced it’s about agreeing with their passions and worse backing them up in battles about which you know little. Forget about discussing these matters. Simply disappear until things have calmed down which will take at least a week or so.

Gemini May 21 June 20

There’s a fine line between the easy variety of chatter that’s part of being with loved ones and close friends and the excitement of gossip. That’s especially the case now because what’s being discussed is a bit sensationa­l and so could upset, embarrass or even hurt somebody. Think carefully before you say a word.

Cancer June 21 July 21

As much as you dislike the idea of disappoint­ing anybody the time has come to draw the line with someone in particular. They have managed to convince you and many others that they’re in a difficult spot if not struggling. Do a little investigat­ion. They’re far better off than they say.

Leo July 22 August 22

For ages there’s been talk of changing elements of your way of living or working. While admittedly certain arrangemen­ts are restrictiv­e or leave you feeling frustrated you’ve an attachment to the people or places involved. Still, within a month’s time there’ll be changes and they’ll be for the better.

Virgo August 23 September 22

Only a few days ago you were discussing plans with somebody involved in both the concept and the process of putting them into action. And you discovered that your views of one particular element vary widely. Tempting as it is to stick with your own at least ask about theirs. You could be pleasantly surprised.

Libra September 23 October 22

Long ago you realised that while truth is a virtue an excess of facts can be confusing. Since then you’ve tended to say only what others need to know, nothing more. Now however certain of those once-unimportan­t facts are of significan­ce if not crucial. Raise them now. Others already know the reason why.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

On several occasions over the past months you sidesteppe­d certain potentiall­y explosive facts. While at the time that was wise, these are now being widely discussed. Which means you really must update others. Waste no time explaining your previous silence. Simply explain each event and developmen­t point by point.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

As a fire sign you easily become overexcite­d and can sometimes be aggressive without realising it. That could be the case now and even more others could be overwhelme­d by your misplaced enthusiasm. Review recent events, especially those you found exciting and you’ll both spot these and where necessary can make amends.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

Usually planning ahead is wise.

But with two of the planetary powerhouse­s, Jupiter and Uranus, moving into new signs and new positions in your chart over the coming months the actual foundation on which those plans are based will shift. Knowing that, ensure that whatever you discuss or arrange for the future is flexible.

Aquarius January 20 February 17

Obviously you don’t want to upset anybody. Yet several individual­s are convinced you enjoy their company and worse in activities you dislike. However this goes back a long way so isn’t easy to address. Say nothing. When a gettogethe­r is suggested decline, explaining you’re busy and nothing more. Eventually they’ll get the message.

Pisces February 18 March 19

There have been many times in the past when you’ve needed help and not received it, but you always came up with an explanatio­n and so excused the individual in question. Now however what you’re facing is pressing, and you need to ensure those who’re backing you up are reliable.

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