Gulf News

Two suit fits increase tricks


Publilius Syrus said, “Art has a double face, of expression and illusion, just like science has a double face: the reality of error and the phantom of truth.” In bridge, doubles come in many forms: takeout, negative, responsive and Lightner to name a few. But we also have a double fit, which is more delicious than ice cream. Always be optimistic when you know of a double fit. In today’s deal, the bidding could have followed several paths. West might have overcalled two diamonds in preference to his takeout double. When he doubled, North might have redoubled to show 10 or 11 points with fewer than four hearts, but preferred to mention his long suit. Then, on the second round, after South had made a fitshowing double to indicate three spades, North jumped to three hearts to describe his hand. South then correctly bid up with the double fit. West led the diamond ace and shifted to the club 10. South won with his ace and played a heart to dummy’s ace to get the news. Now declarer carefully conceded a club trick. East won and returned the heart queen, but South won, ruffed his last club, ruffed a diamond and drove out the heart jack. The contract could not be defeated. East-West missed their way. When one side has a double fit, so does the other. West overbid somewhat to double, then rebid two diamonds, but East probably should have sacrificed in five diamonds. That would have been down two, minus 300 instead of minus 420.

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