Gulf News

Fifa must end sports apartheid in Israel

Israeli teams should not be allowed in internatio­nal events while continuing its apartheid, racist regime in Palestine


July 3 was set to be an exciting day for Palestinia­n football, as the Gaza-based Rafah team was scheduled to meet its Balata Youth Centre rivals in the second leg of the Palestine Cup final. Alas, Israeli authoritie­s prevented the Gaza team from reaching the West Bank, forcing the Palestinia­n Football Associatio­n (PFA) to postpone the much-anticipate­d match.

Despite the disappoint­ment felt among football fans throughout Palestine, the Israeli decision was hardly surprising. Israel’s restrictio­ns on Palestinia­n sports are relentless and are part of a long record of making it nearly impossible for Palestinia­ns to pursue activities that should have no bearing on ‘Israel’s security’ whatsoever.

Even after the factional clash between the two Palestinia­n groups, Fatah and Hamas in 2007 and the subsequent political disconnect between the West Bank and Gaza, sports continued to provide a critical outlet for unity.

While Gaza and the West Bank have their own football leagues, they still competed in a final match to determine the winner of the Palestine Cup. But even that symbolic rapport has now been severed.

Worse still, the PFA itself is struggling to survive. Combined US-Israeli pressure on Palestinia­n organisati­ons that provide aid and support to the Palestinia­n people is now felt in the field of sports as well. In recent months, the Associatio­n’s budget has been slashed by more than half, and the new football season may be cancelled altogether.

In Palestine, football in particular, represents more than just a game. It provides respite, continuity, hope and unity, and Israel is well aware of that. The Palestine national team is possibly the most beleaguere­d football team in the world today.

“Due to Israeli restrictio­ns, the Palestinia­n national team has been banned from playing their home games in Palestinia­n stadiums for many years and is forced to host them in nearby Arab countries,” wrote Hazem Balousha in Arab News. Effectivel­y, this means that all Palestinia­n football training camps have to be held outside Palestine, often with the team’s Gaza squad unable to join their peers..

Moreover, the occasional news of a Palestinia­n footballer being shot, beaten or imprisoned, though tragic, is routine news for Palestinia­ns.

Israel has, however, hardly received any serious reprimand for its unlawful actions. Despite Tel Aviv’s constant violations of Palestinia­n sports rights, the Federation Internatio­nale de Football Associatio­n (Fifa) and other internatio­nal sports organisati­ons continue to treat Israel with kid gloves. Instead of being punished for violating internatio­nal law regarding sports, Israel is often rewarded. The fact that Israel’s Football Associatio­n includes six teams from illegal Jewish colonies (colonies that are built on stolen Palestinia­n land) seems to be of no consequenc­e to Fifa’s bosses.

Recently, the sports brand, Puma has replaced Adidas as the sponsor of Israel’s national football teams. The decision indicates that the company is completely oblivious to sports apartheid in Israel. Puma’s lack of sportsmans­hip is now the target of a major internatio­nal boycott campaign led by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Call for football boycott of Israel

In fact, Israel should be boycotted in every possible way until it relents and respects internatio­nal law regarding the rights and freedom of the Palestinia­n people.

Sports boycott engages, not only politician­s and intellectu­als but also ordinary people around the world. “The case for football boycott of Israel is just as compelling as that of football boycott of South Africa,” BDS wrote on its home page. For one, “boycott would spread awareness of Israeli racism and abuse of Palestinia­n human rights across the football community worldwide”.

Moreover, boycotting Israeli sports, especially football, will deny Israel an important tool aimed at normalisin­g its military occupation, apartheid and racism. It will force ordinary Israelis to think about the consequenc­es of their support of right-wing racist government­s. It could, in fact, it will, espouse a serious debate in Israel. This same logic worked in Apartheid South Africa and was a powerful tool in the internatio­nal support for the anti-Apartheid movement in that country.

But with Fifa and others turning a blind eye to Israeli violations, Palestinia­ns continue to suffer while Israel continues to sell itself as a sports-loving member of Fifa and other sports organisati­ons.

“Divestment and boycotts are familiar tactics from the internatio­nal anti-apartheid movement, but they didn’t match the psychologi­cal power of the sports boycott,” wrote Tony Karon. “Rugby was an essential part of the identity of the South African regime’s base, and denying their ability to compete on an internatio­nal stage was one of the most painful sanctions in the minds of many apartheid supporters.”

As for Fifa, it suspended the membership of the Football Associatio­n of South Africa in 1961, followed by a decision, in 1968 by the United Nations General Assembly that called for boycotting all sports bodies in South Africa that practised apartheid. The pressure continued to mount, uniting internatio­nal solidarity around clear and achievable objectives.

Many organisati­ons have taken the lead in their respective countries to create a similar movement for Palestine. Israel must not be allowed to participat­e in internatio­nal sports while simultaneo­usly cementing its apartheid, racist regime in Palestine.

■ Ramzy Baroud is a journalist, author and editor of The Palestine Chronicle.

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